totaljs / framework4

Total.js framework v4
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[BUG] TypeScript custom prototype functions #53

Open fgnm opened 1 year ago

fgnm commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I'm using total in a TypeScript project. Types are fine except for the custom functions in prototype of String, Number, Date, and Array defined here:

Basically VS Code says that for example the function last in an Array doesn't exists... After a while I've discovered that if a move all the interface declaration inside the declare global block it works:

declare global {
    interface Array<T> {
        async: (threadCount?: number, onComplete?: () => void) => T;
        findAll: (fn: (item: any, next: () => void) => void) => T;
        findItem: (fn: (item: any, next: () => void) => void) => any;
        findValue: (prop: string, value: object, path: string, def?: object) => any;
        first: (def?: object) => any;
        last: (def?: object) => any;
        limit: (max: number, fn: (items: any, next: () => void) => void, callback?: () => void) => T;
        quicksort: (path: string, asc: boolean | string) => T;
        random: () => T;
        remove: (fn: (item: any, index: any) => void) => T;
        skip: (count: number) => T;
        take: (count: number) => T;
        toObject: (name?: string) => any;
        trim: () => T;
        wait: (onItem: (item: any, next: () => void) => void, callback?: () => void, threadCount?: number) => T;

    interface String {
        arg: (obj: object, encode?: boolean | string, def?: string) => string;
        bae64ContentType: () => string;
        bae64ToBuffer: () => string;
        bae64ToFile: (filename: string, callback?: (err: any) => void) => string;
        capitalize: (first?: boolean) => string;
        count: (word: string) => string;
        crc32: (unsigned?: boolean) => string;
        decode: () => string;
        decrypt_uid: (secret?: string) => string;
        decrpyt: (key: string, secret?: string) => string;
        encode: () => string;
        encrypt_uid: (secret?: string) => string;
        encrpyt: (key: string, unique: boolean, secret?: string) => string;
        format: (param1?: string, param2?: string, param3?: string, param4?: string, param5?: string) => string;
        fromUnicode: () => string;
        hash: (type?: string, salt?: string) => string;
        isBase64: () => boolean;
        isBoolean: () => boolean;
        isEmail: () => boolean;
        isJSON: () => boolean;
        isPhone: () => boolean;
        isUID: () => boolean;
        isURL: () => boolean;
        isZIP: () => boolean;
        keywords: (forSearch?: boolean, alternative?: boolean | string, max_count?: number, max_lenght?: number, min_length?: number) => string[];
        makeid: () => string;
        max: (maxLenght: number, chars?: string) => string;
        md5: (salt?: string) => string;
        padLeft: (max: number, char?: string) => string;
        padRight: (max: number, char?: string) => string;
        params: (obj: object) => string;
        parseBool: () => boolean;
        parseComponent: (tags: object) => any;
        parseCSV: (delimeter?: string) => any[];
        parseDate: () => Date;
        parseDateExpiration: () => Date;
        parseENV: () => any;
        parseFloat: (def?: object) => number;
        parseFloat2: (def?: object) => number;
        parseInt: (def?: object) => number;
        parseInt2: (def?: object) => number;
        parseJSON: () => object;
        parseQuery: () => object;
        parseTerminal: (fields: string[], fnLine: (values: any, index: any, count: any, realIndex: any) => void, skipLines?: number, takeLines?: number) => object;
        parseUA: (structured?: boolean) => string | object;
        parseXML: (replace?: boolean) => object;
        pluralize: (zero: string, one: string, few: string, other: string) => string;
        removeTags: () => string;
        ROOT: (noremap?: boolean) => string;
        sha1: (salt?: string) => string;
        sha256: (salt?: string) => string;
        sha512: (salt?: string) => string;
        slug: (max?: number) => string;
        startWith: (value: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => boolean;
        toASCII: () => string;
        toSearch: () => string;
        toUnicode: () => string;
        trim: () => string;

    interface Number {
        add: (value: number, decimals?: number) => number;
        async: (onNumber: (number: number, mext: () => void) => void, onComplete: () => void) => number;
        between: (condition: object, otherwise: object) => number;
        currency: (currency: string) => string;
        discount: (percentage: number, decimals?: number) => number;
        filesize: (decimals?: number, type?: string) => string;
        floor: (decimals?: number) => number;
        format: (decimals?: number, separator?: string, decimalSeparator?: string) => string;
        hex: (length: number) => string;
        padLeft: (max: number, char?: string) => string;
        padRight: (max: number, char?: string) => string;
        parseDate: (plus?: number) => number;
        pluralize: (zero: string, one: string, few: string, other: string) => string;
        VAT: (percentage: number, decimals?: number, includeVAT?: boolean) => number;
        round: (decimals?: number) => number;

    interface Date {
        add: (expression: string | number) => Date;
        extend: (type: string, count: number) => Date;
        format: (format?: string, resource?: string) => string;
        setTimeZone: (timezone: string) => Date;
        toUTC: (ticks?: boolean) => Date | number;

    function SUCCESS(): SUCCESS;
    type SUCCESS = (success?: boolean, value?: any) => { success: boolean, error: any, value: any};
    type DEF = {
        onAudit: (name: string, data: object) => void;
        onCompileScript: (filename: string, body: string) => void;
        onCompileStyle: (name: string, body: string) => void;
        onCompileView: (name: string, html: string) => void;
        onPrefLoad: (next: (pref_obj: object) => void) => void;
        onPrefSave: (PREF: object) => void;


I don't know why exactly I got this issue, but I thought might be good to report. This is my tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2020",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "strict": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
    "types": ["total4", "@types/node"],
    "noImplicitThis": false

Must gather (please complete the following information):

petersirka commented 1 year ago

Sorry, but we need to find someone who uses TypeScript :/ ... We don't use it.