totem-tech / totem-parachains

Totem Parachain based on Substrate Parachain Template
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Implement unit_of_account Pallet #11

Open dharjeezy opened 1 year ago

dharjeezy commented 1 year ago

We need to implement a new pallet. This pallet draws inspiration from this totem doc




chrisdcosta commented 1 year ago

Here is a table of test data:

Before the inverse issuance is calculated, the number of decimals should be added to the Total Issuance. This aligns each currency appropriately to the smallest currency unit according to the number of decimal places.

We cannot check that the total issuance is appropriately supplied by an extrinsic, but we can use the number of decimals as a crude sanity check: that the supplied value is within a certain expected range +/- the existing value.

Weighting per currency = Inverse Issuance / Total Inverse Issuance
Weight adjusted price = Weighting per currency * Price
Unit of Account per currency unit = Price / (100_000 * Unit of Account)
Symbol Decimals Total Issuance Inverse Issuance Weighting per currency Price Weight adjusted price (for Unit of Account calc only) Unit of Account per currency unit
CNY 2 20308000000000000 0.00000000000000004924 0.000693859246235965 $0.14 0.0000978362008771359 0.00000261216547787
USD 2 1564692617100000 0.00000000000000063910 0.009005534645313300 $1.00 0.0090055346453133000 0.00001852560865275
EUR 2 1214125230000000 0.00000000000000082364 0.011605799158427800 $1.08 0.0125213275644432000 0.00001998700917578
JPY 2 138166400000000000 0.00000000000000000724 0.000101984951280195 $0.01 0.0000009335163936936 0.00000016957363967
GBP 2 288957500000000 0.00000000000000346072 0.048764588469100100 $1.23 0.0599569675118472000 0.00002277758002272
KRW 2 414795400000000000 0.00000000000000000241 0.000033970708384326 $0.00 0.0000000276252556365 0.00000001506517524
INR 2 16370023000000000 0.00000000000000006109 0.000860774207376494 $0.01 0.0000113059188514640 0.00000024332632914
HKD 2 1481642700000000 0.00000000000000067493 0.009510318224872960 $0.13 0.0012266664811812900 0.00000238948294268
CAD 2 262358300000000 0.00000000000000381158 0.053708586968889400 $0.71 0.0379834314115889000 0.00001310155834163
TWD 2 4661099100000000 0.00000000000000021454 0.003023083884348220 $0.03 0.0000999863125741122 0.00000061272110475
AUD 2 216420000000000 0.00000000000000462065 0.065109017524073500 $0.61 0.0394104957988599000 0.00001121355304909
BRL 2 674888154000000 0.00000000000000148173 0.020878857465558600 $0.19 0.0039026380942576900 0.00000346277310273
CHF 2 107432400000000 0.00000000000000930818 0.131160558384249000 $1.02 0.1340108806726950000 0.00001892819885136
RUB 2 5062290000000000 0.00000000000000019754 0.002783501848483590 $0.01 0.0000364605586142105 0.00000024266340635
THB 2 2086203000000000 0.00000000000000047934 0.006754325237074240 $0.03 0.0002054292610286960 0.00000056344667484
SAR 2 194879800000000 0.00000000000000513137 0.072305562570158500 $0.27 0.0192247009959278000 0.00000492561394251
AED 2 169370000000000 0.00000000000000590423 0.083195923555293000 $0.27 0.0226502222965908000 0.00000504362637294
SGD 2 65602100000000 0.00000000000001524341 0.214793330892761000 $0.70 0.1496416541090850000 0.00001290637242159
MYR 2 196142970000000 0.00000000000000509832 0.071839911328761800 $0.23 0.0164437464095326000 0.00000424040627464
MXN 2 1075609856600000 0.00000000000000092971 0.013100376020261900 $0.04 0.0005215518782401990 0.00000073754111893
TRY 2 266853972700000 0.00000000000000374737 0.052803761660318700 $0.15 0.0077898346674402500 0.00000273297628769
VND 2 921184805000000000 0.00000000000000000109 0.000015296489364650 $0.00 0.0000000006472876744 0.00000000078393139
SEK 2 375795200000000 0.00000000000000266102 0.037496204242523500 $0.10 0.0036834625288696500 0.00000181987448264
PLN 2 155778160000000 0.00000000000000641939 0.090454872316889500 $0.24 0.0213682357059139000 0.00000437632116599
Total Inverse Issuance Unit of account (sum of all)
0.00000000000007096782 0.5397933308126700000
chrisdcosta commented 1 year ago

The storage should contain:

In other storage store the Unit of Account as a simple value that gets overwritten each time it changes.

Since we normally use Ledger Balance which is u64 the floats should be converted for storage by multiplying by 1_000_000_000_000_000_000. There are conversion utilities in the primitives directory.

The weighting per currency changes for all currencies, whenever at least one issuance changes. This also implies that Weight adjusted price and Unit of Account per currency unit changes for all currencies even if the price is not updated when an issuance change happens.

Additionally Weight adjusted price and Unit of Account per currency unit must also be updated when the price changes.