When creating a scheduled circle session, at the end of the creation flow these sessions should appear to the Keeper who just made them on the Home Screen.
They should appear in the "closest to current time" to "furthest away from current time" chronological order.
They should have their own section so that it is clear these are "owned" by the Keeper
They should have a way to edit the details of each session or of the parent entity of all related sessions
They should appear in a section that is above all other sections, except for the "happening now" section (this is what I believe the current home screen is showing)
Sections should include "Active", "Owned" and "Scheduled"
Some reasonable number of items (3 to 5?) should be capped/shown under each section
When creating a scheduled circle session, at the end of the creation flow these sessions should appear to the Keeper who just made them on the Home Screen.
You can find a wireframe showing a possible layout for these via this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nKD-xdQSOftfBNiLdwCMbkbUKruLtrvN/view?usp=share_link