As chaves de compilação ou tokens de compilação empregados na construção do
Protheus e suas funcionalidades, são de uso restrito dos desenvolvedores de
cada módulo.
Em caso de mau uso destas chaves ou tokens, por qualquer outra parte, que não
a referida acima, a mesma irá se responsabilizar, direta ou regressivamente,
única e exclusivamente, por todos os prejuízos, perdas, danos, indenizações,
multas, condenações judiciais, arbitrais e administrativas e quaisquer outras
despesas relacionadas ao mau uso, causados tanto à TOTVS quanto a terceiros,
eximindo a TOTVS de toda e qualquer responsabilidade.
[Info - 10:24:20] Initializing Language Server.
[Info - 10:24:20] Language Server initialized.
[Info - 10:24:20] Starting reconnection to the server 'Protheus 12.33'
[Info - 10:24:20] Secure authenticating...
[Info - 10:24:27] User authenticated successfully.
[Info - 10:24:27] Reconnection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' finished.
[Info - 10:25:09] Server 'Protheus 12.33' successfully disconnected.
[Info - 10:25:21] Starting connection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' (localhost@6000)
[Info - 10:25:23] Connection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' finished.
[Info - 10:25:26] Starting user 'admin' authentication.
[Info - 10:25:26] Secure authenticating...
[Info - 10:25:33] User authenticated successfully.
[Info - 10:25:33] User 'admin' authentication finished.
[Info - 10:25:41] Starting object inspector.
[Info - 10:25:41] Loading objects from server.
[Info - 10:25:47] Objects loaded (Duration: 6.499000)
[Info - 10:25:47] 122509 objects successfully retrieved.
[Info - 10:25:47] Object inspector finished.
[Info - 10:26:08] Starting generate patch.
[Info - 10:26:08] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33.
[Info - 10:26:11] Starting build using RPO token ...
[Error - 10:26:11] Patch could not be generated.
[Info - 10:26:11] Cleaning up appserver OK.
[Info - 10:26:11] Aborting end build (rollback changes).
[Info - 10:30:45] Starting RPO defragmentation.
[Info - 10:30:45] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33.
[Info - 10:30:48] Starting build using RPO token ...
[Warn - 10:30:48] This process may take a while.
[Info - 10:30:56] RPO successfully defragged.
[Info - 10:30:56] Committing end build.
[Info - 10:30:58] RPO defragmentation finished.
[Info - 10:31:09] Starting object inspector.
[Info - 10:31:09] Loading objects from server.
[Info - 10:31:15] Objects loaded (Duration: 5.315000)
[Info - 10:31:15] 122509 objects successfully retrieved.
[Info - 10:31:15] Object inspector finished.
[Info - 10:31:36] Starting generate patch.
[Info - 10:31:36] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33.
[Info - 10:31:39] Starting build using RPO token ...
[Error - 10:31:39] Patch could not be generated.
[Info - 10:31:39] Cleaning up appserver OK.
[Info - 10:31:39] Aborting end build (rollback changes).
[Info - 10:33:07] Starting generate patch.
[Info - 10:33:07] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33.
[Info - 10:33:09] Starting build using RPO token ...
[Error - 10:33:09] Patch could not be generated.
[Info - 10:33:09] Cleaning up appserver OK.
[Info - 10:33:09] Aborting end build (rollback changes).
Erro ao aplicar patch Release 33. Build atualizada 7.00.210324P, DBACCESS v21.1.1.0 ---------------------------v--------------------------------------------------- ////// //// ////// | TOTVS Developer Studio for VS-Code // // // // | Version 1.3.8 // // // ////// | TOTVS Technology // // // // | // //// ////// | ---------------------------^---------------------------------------------------
As chaves de compilação ou tokens de compilação empregados na construção do
Protheus e suas funcionalidades, são de uso restrito dos desenvolvedores de
cada módulo.
Em caso de mau uso destas chaves ou tokens, por qualquer outra parte, que não
a referida acima, a mesma irá se responsabilizar, direta ou regressivamente,
única e exclusivamente, por todos os prejuízos, perdas, danos, indenizações,
multas, condenações judiciais, arbitrais e administrativas e quaisquer outras
despesas relacionadas ao mau uso, causados tanto à TOTVS quanto a terceiros,
eximindo a TOTVS de toda e qualquer responsabilidade.
[Info - 10:24:20] Initializing Language Server. [Info - 10:24:20] Language Server initialized. [Info - 10:24:20] Starting reconnection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' [Info - 10:24:20] Secure authenticating... [Info - 10:24:27] User authenticated successfully. [Info - 10:24:27] Reconnection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' finished. [Info - 10:25:09] Server 'Protheus 12.33' successfully disconnected. [Info - 10:25:21] Starting connection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' (localhost@6000) [Info - 10:25:23] Connection to the server 'Protheus 12.33' finished. [Info - 10:25:26] Starting user 'admin' authentication. [Info - 10:25:26] Secure authenticating... [Info - 10:25:33] User authenticated successfully. [Info - 10:25:33] User 'admin' authentication finished. [Info - 10:25:41] Starting object inspector. [Info - 10:25:41] Loading objects from server. [Info - 10:25:47] Objects loaded (Duration: 6.499000) [Info - 10:25:47] 122509 objects successfully retrieved. [Info - 10:25:47] Object inspector finished. [Info - 10:26:08] Starting generate patch. [Info - 10:26:08] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33. [Info - 10:26:11] Starting build using RPO token ... [Error - 10:26:11] Patch could not be generated. [Info - 10:26:11] Cleaning up appserver OK. [Info - 10:26:11] Aborting end build (rollback changes). [Info - 10:30:45] Starting RPO defragmentation. [Info - 10:30:45] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33. [Info - 10:30:48] Starting build using RPO token ... [Warn - 10:30:48] This process may take a while. [Info - 10:30:56] RPO successfully defragged. [Info - 10:30:56] Committing end build. [Info - 10:30:58] RPO defragmentation finished. [Info - 10:31:09] Starting object inspector. [Info - 10:31:09] Loading objects from server. [Info - 10:31:15] Objects loaded (Duration: 5.315000) [Info - 10:31:15] 122509 objects successfully retrieved. [Info - 10:31:15] Object inspector finished. [Info - 10:31:36] Starting generate patch. [Info - 10:31:36] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33. [Info - 10:31:39] Starting build using RPO token ... [Error - 10:31:39] Patch could not be generated. [Info - 10:31:39] Cleaning up appserver OK. [Info - 10:31:39] Aborting end build (rollback changes). [Info - 10:33:07] Starting generate patch. [Info - 10:33:07] Starting build for environment protheus12.1.33. [Info - 10:33:09] Starting build using RPO token ... [Error - 10:33:09] Patch could not be generated. [Info - 10:33:09] Cleaning up appserver OK. [Info - 10:33:09] Aborting end build (rollback changes).