touchHLE / touchHLE

High-level emulator for iPhone OS apps. This repo is used for issues, releases and CI. Submit patches at:
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Have any ideas about adding more .dylib files? #304

Closed AAArisle closed 3 weeks ago

AAArisle commented 3 weeks ago

When I try to run another one old game on the Android version, there are some forms of warnings as follows:

touchHLE::environment: Warning: app binary depends on unexpected dylib "/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib" touchHLE::environment: Warning: app binary depends on unexpected dylib "/usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib" touchHLE::environment: Warning: app binary depends on unexpected dylib "/usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib"

Of course, this game crashes. It requires iPhone OS 3.0, so I think this is like a problem caused by missing some .dynib files. If these files can be added, it may run normally. I think adding more files will help support more old game runs. I really hope you have such thoughts. Praise your work! Anyway, you have all contributed to the return of these old games :) (These English are translated by machines, I hope it won't cause any trouble for your reading.)

ciciplusplus commented 3 weeks ago


This is a duplicate of an another issue

Basically, we cannot "just add" other .dylibs for licensing reasons. The dylibs you have mentioned are need to be recompiled from source or re-implemented from scratch.