touchlab / KMMBridge

KMMBridge is a set of Gradle tooling that facilitates publishing and consuming pre-built KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) Xcode Framework binaries. See to get started.
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spm() not updating Package.swift file on Github repo #210

Closed gopi-b4f closed 1 year ago

gopi-b4f commented 1 year ago

Version 0.3.5


kmmbridge { mavenPublishArtifacts() gitTagVersions() versionPrefix.set("0.2") spm(rootDir.path) } addGithubPackagesRepository()


jobs: call-kmmbridge-publish: uses: touchlab/KMMBridgeGithubWorkflow/.github/workflows/faktorybuildbranches.yml@v0.6

Expected result

Should update package and Package.swift file

Current state

It is updating the package but not updating Package.swift file after the workflow action run successfully

russhwolf commented 1 year ago

If you're using faktorybuildbranches.yml, the update happens a separate branch rather than your main one. It should still be tagged correctly so that Xcode can pick it up when you try to consume the new version.

If you don't want that behavior, you can switch to faktorybuild.yml instead.

gopi-b4f commented 1 year ago

faktorybuildbranches.yml was deleting the build branch after updating the Package.swift file that I did not notice. And then I tried faktorybuild.yml and that worked. Thanks for the solution!