touchlane / gridpad-android

GridPad is a Jetpack Compose library that allows you to place UI elements in a predefined grid, manage spans in two dimensions, have flexible controls to manage row and column sizes.
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Scrollable and Sortable? #21

Closed IHNEL closed 1 year ago

IHNEL commented 1 year ago

hi team, thanks for the awesome lib, any plan to support the scrollable and sortable grid features? Scrollable: Let's say I would like to make a long grid and make scrolls vertically, how can I do this? Sortable: Can the user drag and drop to sort the items?

This is doable using ComposeReorderable with GridView, but the GridView doesn't support spans in both sides (to make a grid of cells with various sizes)

landarskiy commented 1 year ago

hi team, thanks for the awesome lib, any plan to support the scrollable and sortable grid features? Scrollable: Let's say I would like to make a long grid and make scrolls vertically, how can I do this? Sortable: Can the user drag and drop to sort the items?

hi team, thanks for the awesome lib, any plan to support the scrollable and sortable grid features? Scrollable: Let's say I would like to make a long grid and make scrolls vertically, how can I do this? Sortable: Can the user drag and drop to sort the items?

This is doable using ComposeReorderable with GridView, but the GridView doesn't support spans in both sides (to make a grid of cells with various sizes)

Hi and thank you for your question! GridPad is completely different from traditional grid views primarily because it is designed to display static content, it doesn't have 'adapter' mechanism. Therefore, both cannot be implemented at this time and we currently have no plans to implement the features you noted.