touilleMan / godot-python

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Text Edit or LineEdit have double the characters #114

Open mundusnine opened 5 years ago

mundusnine commented 5 years ago

When trying to use a control node of type TextEdit or LineEdit on Windows Godot 3.0.6 I get double the characters in the text data of the TextEdit UI node.

Here is the code:

from godot import exposed, export
from godot.bindings import LineEdit
from godot.globals import *
import requests

class machinelearning(LineEdit):
    def classify(self,t):
        key = "65396840-e76e-11e8-950e-27607d2268b343b7eb4d-17e2-4aad-8d33-90757ef57720"
        url = ""+ key + "/classify"

        response = requests.get(url, params={ "data" : t })

        if response.ok:
            responseData = response.json()
            topMatch = responseData[0]
            return topMatch
    def _on_Button_pressed(self):
        demo = self.classify(self.text)
        label = demo["class_name"]
        confidence = demo["confidence"]
        # CHANGE THIS to do something different with the result
        print ("result: '%s' with %d%% confidence" % (label, confidence))


When I press the 's' character once I get this

touilleMan commented 5 years ago


How did you configured the manchinelearning node in your scene graph ? I suspect you connected the _on_Button_pressed to an event, so may there is something silly there.

Also if you could provide a minimal example that would help a lot ;-)