toutjavascript / FoooXus-Fooocus-Extender

Manage Models, Styles and Loras of your Fooocus app
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FoooXus not finding anny LoRAs #7

Closed Ok2dot0 closed 2 months ago

Ok2dot0 commented 2 months ago

FoooXus can't find any LoRAs, even if there are obvious ones, even in the directory where it says there's nothing in it. grafik

toutjavascript commented 2 months ago

Is it the right folder ? Can it find the models ?

Ok2dot0 commented 2 months ago

Yeah, even if I take the path from the error message and paste it into the explorer, the folder is filled with .safetensors LoRA files. And Focus on its own recognizes them. And there are no error messages.

toutjavascript commented 2 months ago

Strange issue I will try to reproduce that

Do you confirm that models are identified ?

Ok2dot0 commented 2 months ago

Do you mean like in the Fooocus web-ui? grafik

And something that maybe could help; in the Stable-Diffusion web-ui, you need to tick an option called: “Always show all networks on the Lora page”. Perhaps FoooXus tries to identify the kind of the .safetensor files, but is unable to do so. This could be the issue. But IDK.

And also a short question. Is the API feature in FoooXus work? It would be super useful for me. And thank you for such an incredible piece of software.

toutjavascript commented 2 months ago

Hello I published a new release. You can now add a new line with the real folder (not symbolic link) in config.json "loras-directory": "D:\datas\StabilityMatrix\Data\Models\Lora",

Can you test it please ?

Thanks for your messages and help API are not available. This is my very first python project. I must work on it.

Ok2dot0 commented 2 months ago

Huge! Thank you. Everything is now working fine: grafik