Defining a footnote on a section/subsection heading (level 1 or 2) duplicates it.
Minimal Example
#import "@preview/touying:0.5.2": *
#import themes.simple: *
#show: simple-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9")
#show heading: it => text(fill: red, smallcaps(it))
= Title#footnote("this is a duplicated footnote")
== First Slide#footnote("this is another duplicated footnote")
=== 123#footnote("this footnote is fine though")
Hello, Touying!
Hello, Typst!
Current Behavior
It seems that footnotes are applied once to the section/subsection title (in the header) and once to the slide title? The screenshot below shows that footnote 1 first appears on page 2 next to the "First Slide" section title, and a second identical footnote (numbered 2) appears on the very first slide next to "Title".
Description of Issue
Defining a footnote on a section/subsection heading (level 1 or 2) duplicates it.
Minimal Example
Current Behavior
It seems that footnotes are applied once to the section/subsection title (in the header) and once to the slide title? The screenshot below shows that footnote 1 first appears on page 2 next to the "First Slide" section title, and a second identical footnote (numbered 2) appears on the very first slide next to "Title".