touying-typ / touying

Touying is a powerful package for creating presentation slides in Typst.
MIT License
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bad slide layout when content is none #50

Open QuadnucYard opened 1 month ago

QuadnucYard commented 1 month ago

Use the Quick start example, and add a slide with content set to {} (or none)

#import "@preview/touying:0.4.2": *

#let s = themes.simple.register(aspect-ratio: "16-9")
#let (init, slides) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides

= Title

#slide(self => (self.methods.touying-slide)(self: self, repeat: none, section: (title: [Contents]), {}))

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!

This will yield:


If we put the slide at the end:

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!

#slide(self => (self.methods.touying-slide)(self: self, repeat: none, section: (title: [Contents]), {}))


Enter-tainer commented 1 month ago

I believe this is related #35