Closed pvelayudhan closed 2 days ago
This will be fixed in typst 0.12 and you can fix it by config-common(enable-frozen-states-and-counters: false)
for now.
Great to hear and that did fix it, thank you!
This issue should have been fixed in Typst 0.12 and I'll close this issue.
I do still have an (at least similar) issue with typst 0.12.0
#import "@preview/touying:0.5.3": *
#import themes.metropolis: *
#show: metropolis-theme.with(
// config-common(enable-frozen-states-and-counters: false)
- U
+ V
Here, I also get a layout did not converge within 5 attempts
that is fixed by config-common(enable-frozen-states-and-counters: false)
Thank you for all the amazing recent updates you have made!
I am finding that some slides I am preparing with a combination of pauses and figures have been returning the
warning: layout did not converge within 5 attempts
message and am not exactly sure why that is.Here is a MWE that results in this issue:
I've attached square.svg as a file here:
For whatever reason, any of the following adjustments renders the slides without any problems:
Any insight as to what I may be doing wrong here or how to avoid this would be greatly appreciated!