towolf / vim-helm

vim syntax for helm templates (yaml + gotmpl + sprig + custom)
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This plugins should set commentstring #10

Closed ievgenii-shepeliuk closed 3 years ago

ievgenii-shepeliuk commented 3 years ago


Currently, default Vim's commentstring is used, it's usually C-style comment /* ... */.

The plugin should set it to {{/* ... */}} - this will be a proper comment both for Go template and Yaml within Helm template or similar files.

towolf commented 3 years ago

If you are able to, please prepare a PR, then I'll add that.

ievgenii-shepeliuk commented 3 years ago

If you are able to, please prepare a PR, then I'll add that.

I will provide a PR, but since I am not a Vimscript guru - it will probably require a facelift.