Closed jabbera closed 1 year ago
It was not 🤔
@gaborbernat The actual problem I'm having is that this line linked is causing tests to run in 4.0.2 but not in 3.X.
Snipped output from: python -m tox -e py -vv --sdistonly
2022-12-08T16:53:35.4505376Z Successfully installed X.metal-0.0a1
2022-12-08T16:53:35.5390952Z py: 128134 I exit 0 (6.38 seconds) /agent/_work/1/s> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps .tox/.tmp/package/1/X.metal-0.0a1.tar.gz pid=4297 [tox/execute/]
2022-12-08T16:53:35.5401255Z py: 128136 W commands[0]> pytest --cov=X.metal --cov-report xml:.tox/coverage.xml --cov-report term-missing --junitxml=.tox/ [tox/tox_env/]
I found the depreciation message and assumed that was the issue. Didn't realize it came back. Sorry! Do you want me to move this bug somewhere else?
This is a tox issue bug, fill it there and make it more verbose as this is not enough to troubleshoot.
What's the correct replacement for this step since sdistonly was removed from 4?