tox-dev / sphinx-autodoc-typehints

Type hints support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
MIT License
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Support type annotations for class attributes #44

Open koliyo opened 6 years ago

koliyo commented 6 years ago

For example

class Foo(object):
    myAttr: int
    "This is a type annotated attribute"

Does not currently generate type information when using sphinx + sphinx-autodoc-typehints

JonnyWaffles commented 6 years ago

I too would like to see this support. I need to specify the expected types for a bunch of data-descriptors, but inline type hinting per the above example does not currently work.

pmav99 commented 5 years ago

To be pendantic, the annotations on the initial post are instance attributes annotations. For class attributes you need to use ClassVar.

class MyClass:
    # You can optionally declare instance variables in the class body
    attr: int
    # This is an instance variable with a default value
    charge_percent: int = 100

    # You can use the ClassVar annotation to declare a class variable
    seats: ClassVar[int] = 4
    passengers: ClassVar[List[str]]

felix-hilden commented 4 years ago

If I've understood the documentation machinery correctly this would be huge for dataclasses. Big plus.

Bibo-Joshi commented 4 years ago

I'd also be interested in this feature :)

JureSencar commented 4 years ago


felix-hilden commented 4 years ago

In Sphinx 3.0 functionality similar to this was added to autodoc. I know it's not a fix to this library, but I thought I'll leave it here too. It's nowhere near the whole thing and has some quirks that I'd like sorted out, but it looks promising for the dataclass use case at least. Sure beats having nothing.

extensions = [
autodoc_typehints = 'description'  # show type hints in doc body instead of signature
autoclass_content = 'both'  # get docstring from class level and init simultaneously

# documentation
class C:

    attr: dict
    value: int

Some oddities and inconveniences I've found:

I'm sorry if it's in bad taste to essentially advertise other approaches on a library forum, but at least for me a solution is more important. It would be nice to know what does @agronholm think about the native implementation and this library's role?

mitar commented 4 years ago

So there is now:

altendky commented 4 years ago

After a little tweak for some bad classes I deal with (david-yan/sphinx-autodoc-typehints#1) but otherwise it runs on my project.

It looks like presently #147 only looks at the Attributes: in the class docstring while autodoc checks the string literals immediately after the attribute/hint. Should the collection of the documentation be left to autodoc and this change just pulls the content from there? (I'm just starting to get into Sphinx so I may be misassuming some structure here) I also kind of prefer the autodoc formatting that places the type hint adjacent to the attribute name. I think this could be consistent with how sphinx-autodoc-typehints puts parameter hints adjacent to the parameter name. Also, this doesn't have the behavior of stripping out the output generated by autodoc.

All that said, thanks @david-yan for getting something started! Maybe I can find some time to build in some extra pieces.

@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True, slots=True, eq=False)
class Emission:
    """Stores the emission of a signal including the emitted arguments.  Can be
    compared against a signal instance to check the source.  Do not construct this class
    directly.  Instead, instances will be received through a channel created by

        Each time you access a signal such as ``a_qobject.some_signal`` you get a
        different signal instance object so the ``signal`` attribute generally will not
        be the same object.  A signal instance is a ``QtCore.SignalInstance`` in
        PySide2 or ``QtCore.pyqtBoundSignal`` in PyQt5.

        signal: abc def

    signal: qtrio._util.SignalInstance
    """An instance of the original signal."""


agronholm commented 4 years ago

I need this myself, but I have had very little time to spare for this project. I will look at the PR when time permits.

altendky commented 4 years ago

I can't really say I made any progress but I did poke around a bit to become minimally more familiar. The top two attributes in the image below (with zzz in their descriptions) are being produced by sphinx-autodoc-typehints while the bottom two are from autodoc. The thing I feel like I need to know next is how to put regular old ReST in the :type: and have it get processed rather than shown literally. I am guessing though that I am missing something pretty important about how this all works...


gaborbernat commented 2 years ago

A PR for this would we welcome.

nvaytet commented 1 year ago

Any progress on this? Thanks!

gaborbernat commented 1 year ago

Please check the comment I made right above yours. That's the latest progress.