toxidroma / alchemy-requests

Feature requests for the Alchemy framework for roleplaying games on Garry's Mod and the title Industrial Nightmare 4 for which Alchemy is being made.
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KORPSE body health system proposal. #13

Open ROT-man opened 2 years ago

ROT-man commented 2 years ago

(From Inebriated#1530): <I am unsure as to how possible this would be, but if it is not, please disregard.>

The KORPSE system is a limb/body damage system that constitutes multiple types of damage and effects gameplay tremendously as a result. There are 33 individual points of damage: being both feet (Left and Right being individual hitboxes), both ankles, both shins, both kneecaps, both thighs, both hands, both wrists, both forearms, both elbows, both upper arms, both shoulders, groin, abdominal, thoracic, neck, jaw, maxilla, both eyes, both ears and skull. Depending on where the damage was being applied to your body depends on various status effects and potentially dangerous if untreated wounds. There are 8 types of damage these points can sustain: BLUNT, PUNCTURE, BURN, AND SLASH are the four PHYSICAL types of damage, whereas HEAT, FROST, CHEMICAL, and DECAY are the four ENVIRONMENTAL types of damage.

Different types of damage would vary in lethality based on what point of damage they connect with in the body. For example, SLASH damage to the thoracic would be much less dangerous than PUNCTURE damage to the thoracic, as that is where most of the body's vital organs are stored. Furthermore, each body portion would store this damage and progressively worsen without treatment to an extent. These would be categorized: (pale coloration that matches the border): FINE. Alabaster: MINOR DAMAGE. Yellow: MODERATE DAMAGE. Red: CRITICAL DAMAGE. Hollow (no color within borders): SEVERED/UNUSABLE. For example, let's say L KNEE suffered critical amounts of BLUNT damage. By simply walking, you take minor, incremental damage over time, it becomes much harder to stand up from being ragdolled, additional mistakes can be made while walking that begins damaging L ANKLE and L FOOT, running speed becomes heavily stunted, etc.

In game, it would look something like this: [PISSED KIDNEYSTANI stomps HARD WORKING PROLE while prone]

[CRITICAL DAMAGE TO L KNEE SUSTAINED] ["Your mouth lets out an involuntary yelp of pain followed by a recoiling hiss, as you begin to savor your leg."] [HARD WORKING PROLE ATTEMPTS TO STAND] ["It burns like fire, but you have to keep trying to get up! You don't want the rats to eat you alive, anyway..."] [HARD WORKING PROLE ATTEMPTS TO RUN] ["Fuck, fuck, FUCK that hurts!"] <1-2 damage received per 3 ticks of running, additional knee damage sustained, Sprint speed heavily reduced.> ["While savoring your leg, you put down your foot wrong and gasp in pain as you feel something twist violently in your LEFT ANKLE."] As for ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE, they build up overtime the longer a person is in an environment when not wearing the appropriate clothing. HEAT damage begins in the center and moves out towards the extremities, FROST starts in the extremities and moves inward toward the center, CHEMICAL damage starts in whatever part of the body (usually extremities) that is being exposed to chemical waste or rusty machinery, and DECAY mostly applies to dead bodies. As such, the various races also have better defined strengths and weaknesses when imposing the system. ARRYTHYMIANS are weak to BLUNT, SLASH, PUNCTURE, and FROST, but are resistant to HEAT and BURNS. KIDNEYSTANIS are weak to BURN and HEAT, but resistant to SLASH, and FROST. And LIVERISH are weak to HEAT, COLD, and BURNS, but resistant to BLUNT, and minor resistance to SLASH, CHEMICAL, and PUNCTURE. (All of the racial resistances are subject to change based on necromancer alteration and approval.) Some Clothing would add resistances, and special events where specific types of damage could occur. (This is still W.I.P. Feel free to suggest new ideas or add constructive criticism to the thread.)