toy / blueutil

CLI for bluetooth on OSX: power, discoverable state, list, inquire devices, connect, info, …
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--recent and --favourites not working on macOS Monterey #63

Closed friedrichweise closed 2 months ago

friedrichweise commented 2 years ago

I'm the developer of wechsel and experiencing some issues in macOS Monterey. I'm using the last Intel Macbook from 2015, that actually supports macOS 12. Running the following blueutil-command always returns an empty list:

$ blueutil --recent
$ blueutil --favourites

At wechsel I'm using the following Swift code to access the devices. Using recentDevices() or favoriteDevices() – either way the device list is empty:

guard var devices = IOBluetoothDevice.recentDevices(0) as? [IOBluetoothDevice] else {
            print("Error accessing IOBluetoothDevice.recentDevices")
            return []

There seems to be a problem with the IOBluetooth framework on Monterey. Anyone experiencing similar issues?

toy commented 2 years ago

Simplest way to check is by using a script in swift:

#!/usr/bin/env swift

import IOBluetooth


Can you check if it is related to permissions as in #60?

friedrichweise commented 2 years ago

The scripts returns two empty arrays:

$ ./test.swift

I've read Issue and added the Terminal to the "Developer Tools" privacy section. This doesn’t affect the behaviour. Is there an elegant way to get the full system log using the or a similar tool?

toy commented 2 years ago

Can you try adding the Bluetooth privacy setting (and restart Terminal)?

For system log there is log command, but it may be tricky to filter for such case. For example everything on all levels containing case insensitive blue: log stream --level debug --color always --timeout 10s | grep -i blue.

friedrichweise commented 2 years ago

Alright. I added the Terminal (and also iTerm2 – my primary terminal) to the Bluetooth and the Developer Tools privacy settings. Then run blueutil --favorites. Given your log command I get the following output:

blueutil: (libsystem_info.dylib) Retrieve User by ID
bluetoothd: [] PowerManager power state is 1
bluetoothd: [] PowerManager power state is 1
bluetoothd: [] No corresponding device for DF963AC9 found in fA2dpHandleToDeviceMap (0 devices)
bluetoothd: [] isStreamingAudioToDevice: Unable to retrieve handle for device.
bluetoothd: [] No corresponding device for 994ABEEE found in fA2dpHandleToDeviceMap (0 devices)
bluetoothd: [] isStreamingAudioToDevice: Unable to retrieve handle for device.
bluetoothd: [] Posting Bluetooth Status Notification <private>
studentd: (ClassroomKit) [] entered finishedRescanInterval
PerfPowerServices: (CoreBluetooth) [] -[CBClassicManager retrievePairedPeersWithOptions:] <private>
PerfPowerServices: (CoreBluetooth) [] -[CBClassicManager retrievePairedPeersWithOptions:] <private>
PerfPowerServices: (CoreBluetooth) [] Sending synchronous XPC message <private>: <private>
bluetoothd: [] Received XPC message "CBMsgIdRetrievePairedPeersWithOptions" from session ""
bluetoothd: (CoreFoundation) [ Defaults] looked up value <private> for key [SOME MAC] in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x7fb00020d020> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: /Library/Bluetooth, Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x7fb000115150> (Domain:, Container: /Library/Bluetooth)
bluetoothd: [] TagSet's class is not an NSArray, returning error for  69422B50
bluetoothd: [] 69422B50 hasTS: 0, res: 1
bluetoothd: (CoreFoundation) [ Defaults] looked up value <private> for key [SOME MAC] in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x7fb00020d020> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: /Library/Bluetooth, Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x7fb000115150> (Domain:, Container: /Library/Bluetooth)
bluetoothd: [] TagSet's class is not an NSArray, returning error for  683AA17B
bluetoothd: [] 9C6B4312 hasTS: 0, res: 1
bluetoothd: [] Already tracking address "<private>" as device "[SOME MAC]"
bluetoothd: [] Get SDP record data from SDP attributes for device 69422B50
bluetoothd: [] SDP record cache size 1200 with 12 services
bluetoothd: [] Returning sdp record NSData: <private>
bluetoothd: [] bluetoothd sending sdp data: <private>
bluetoothd: [] Already tracking address "<private>" as device "[SOME MAC]"
bluetoothd: [] Get SDP record data from SDP attributes for device 683AA17B
bluetoothd: [] sdp attributes is empty
fsonntag commented 2 years ago

@toy Any updates on that? :)

toy commented 2 years ago

@fsonntag Sadly no, checking on the surface showed that methods are broken and I didn't yet have time to create environment to investigate deeply. For now I can suggest checking if blueutil --paired or blueutil --connected can be of help.

friedrichweise commented 2 years ago

blueutil --paired and blueutil --connected work like a charm…

@fsonntag are you able to reproduce the bug? What device are you using? My speculation is that this bug only affects Intel based devices that run macOS 12.

fsonntag commented 2 years ago

@friedrichweise Sorry for the late reply, somehow missed this :/

Anyway, both commands run without an issue, no error output.

wwwjfy commented 2 years ago

[IOBluetoothDevice recentDevices] returns empty. I made the following change to make connecting by name work, in function get_device. could be a macOS bug (Intel only? I'm using Mac mini 2018 and MBP 2019). #58 #62 should be of the same cause.

diff --git blueutil.m blueutil.m
index 47aa91d..b5225d5 100644
--- blueutil.m
+++ blueutil.m
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ IOBluetoothDevice *get_device(char *id) {
   } else {
-    NSArray *recentDevices = [IOBluetoothDevice recentDevices:0];
+    NSArray *recentDevices = [IOBluetoothDevice pairedDevices];

     if (!recentDevices) {
       eprintf("No recent devices to search for: %s\n", id);
toy commented 2 months ago

I can only document that functionality is broken, concerning fixing finding devices by name, see #88