toy / image_optim

Optimize images using multiple utilities
MIT License
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after install image_optim i can't find image_optim.yml file. I need add own config #128

Open OlgaBurtyka opened 8 years ago

OlgaBurtyka commented 8 years ago

Hi! Please, explain me where i can find or create image_optim.yml(I never can find it)?

After installed i find usr/local/bin/image_optim there was this content " require 'rubygems'

version = ">= 0"

if ARGV.first str = ARGV.first str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :forceencoding if str =~ /\A(.*)_\z/ version = $1 ARGV.shift end end

gem 'image_optim', version load Gem.bin_path('image_optim', 'image_optim', version) "

But i need add image_optim.yml file with this setting:

allow_lossy: true # Small images through lossy compression verbose: false # Verbose output

advpng: level: 4 # Compression level: 0 - don't compress, 1 - fast,

2 - normal, 3 - extra, 4 - extreme

gifsicle: level: 3 # Compression level: 1 - light and fast, 2 - normal,

3 - heavy (slower)

careful: false # Avoid bugs with some software

jpegoptim: max_quality: 70 # Maximum image quality factor 0..100, ignored if

allow_lossy is false

jpegrecompress: quality: 1 # JPEG quality preset: 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high,

3 - veryhigh

optipng: level: 7 # Optimization level preset: 0 - least, 7 - best

pngquant: quality: !ruby/range 50..75 # Quality min..max - don't save below min,

use less colors below max

speed: 1 # Speed/quality trade-off: 1 - slow, 3 - default,

11 - fast & rough

pngout: false svgo: false

I used magento CMS and Ubuntu. Please say me where need place image_optim.yml file, how setup and apply canges from image_optim.yml? Thanks

toy commented 8 years ago

How is image_optim integrated in magento CMS? I would try to create a file .image_optim.yml (note the first dot) in the root of the project. Another option is to set config for user by putting config in ~/.config/image_optim.yml (check that environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set by running echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME).

dt1973 commented 8 years ago

I had to create mine manually as well. myapp/.image_optim.yml.