toystars / react-native-multiple-select

Simple multi-select component for react-native
MIT License
565 stars 313 forks source link

TagRemoveIconColorand selectedItemIconColor doesnt work for me :( hidden I donw know why #147

Open mariam8896 opened 4 years ago

mariam8896 commented 4 years ago

Issue summary

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Steps to Reproduce

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<MultiSelect items={categories} uniqueKey="id" ref={(component) => { this.multiSelect = component }} onSelectedItemsChange={this.onSelectedItemsChange} selectedItems={selectedItems} selectText="Pick Items" searchInputPlaceholderText="Search Items..." onChangeInput={ (text)=> console.log(text)} tagRemoveIconColor ="#f56642" tagBorderColor={Color.staffGreen} tagTextColor={Color.staffGreen} selectedItemTextColor={Color.staffGreen} selectedItemIconColor="#f56642" itemTextColor={Color.titleBlack} displayKey="name" searchInputStyle={{ color: '#A1A1A1'}} submitButtonColor={Color.staffGreen} submitButtonText="Submit" />

Expected Behavior

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Actual Behavior

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Reproducible Code

(Paste exact code snippet and instructions to reproduce the issue.)