tp1de / ioBroker.ems-esp

EMS-ESP Adapter
MIT License
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error reading KM200 gateway information (wrong passwords please re-enter) - stop km200 read #28

Closed martin-ef closed 10 months ago

martin-ef commented 11 months ago


I'm trying to use the km200-part for my Buderus gateway. I checked the IP, used the gateway pw and the private pw which I use for the Buderus MyDevice App (which works perfectly fine). For the gateway pw I used the 16 digits with our without the dash.

The instance mouseover tells me its connected but when I check in objects > controls > active it's not.

Can someone please help me?

thanx, Martin

tp1de commented 11 months ago

Gw password is with dashes. 1:1 as printed on the sticker

tp1de commented 10 months ago

Does it work now?

martin-ef commented 10 months ago

sorry - I didn't get the first answer so I'm kinda late answering.

I just tried again, but in the protocol it always says "wrong password". When I check in objects - there are still most of the fields filled with data - I just don't know wether they are old or new. Ems-esp>0>controls>active is set to false :(

martin-ef commented 10 months ago

sorry - I didn't mention, that I have version 2.1.0 installed. I just checked iobroker and switched to beta repository. It then tells me that the newest version is 1.30.0 !

When trying to install from GitHub it tells me: $ iobroker url tp1de/ioBroker.ems-esp --host ioBroker --debug install tp1de/ioBroker.ems-esp NPM version: 8.19.3Installing tp1de/ioBroker.ems-esp... (System call) host.ioBroker Cannot install tp1de/ioBroker.ems-esp: 128 ERROR: Process exited with code 25

so how can I upgrade to 2.2.0?

tp1de commented 10 months ago

Something wrong with your iobroker repositories. But the main km200 code hasn't changed since a couple of months. 2.2.0 is in the stable repo since today.

When the message "wrong password " is shown, then one of the passwords is wrong. The combination is needed for encryption.

Was it working before? What has changed?

tp1de commented 10 months ago

Do not use GH to install. It is a testing version! Are you using nodejs >= 16?

martin-ef commented 10 months ago

So, I removed the app, restarted iobroker and re-installed ems-esp (still v. 2.1.0 is the most recent one).

The only difference I noticed: Before I defined the IP-address without "http:". Reinstalling the app it showed me to input the "http:" as well.

So I'm not sure whether the old instance was corrupted or the "http:"error was the problem solver. Anyhow - it works :)

martin-ef commented 10 months ago

I'm using nodes v. 16.19.1

tp1de commented 10 months ago

The IP-address works with and without "http://" prefix. Your ioBroker repositories does not seem to be updated automatically. Check your installation and please update to version 2.2.0. (use manual update from adapter menu if 2.2.0 is not shown)