tp1de / ioBroker.ems-esp

EMS-ESP Adapter
MIT License
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Please readd tests for windows and mac #54

Closed mcm1957 closed 1 month ago

mcm1957 commented 2 months ago

Executing standard T´testing at ALL supported platforms is mandatory. Please reactivate the test.

tp1de commented 2 months ago


tp1de commented 2 months ago


I reactivated the tests for all platforms. But actually the windows tests do not work. What shall I do?

mcm1957 commented 2 months ago

Please check forum and/or telegram channels for news regularly.

There was a problem caused by changes done by Microsoft. Please update @iobroker/testing to 4.1.3. This should do the trick.

If there are still issues afterward, please let me know.

tp1de commented 2 months ago

@mcm1957 Thanks for input ... it works now.

But I have to admit that I am starting to get annoyed about the ioBroker adapter development environment. For non-IT people it is too difficult to follow all necessary changes which has to be observed. (or I am getting too old now) There should be one web-site where all these prerequisite can be followed easily to minimize the efforts.

mcm1957 commented 2 months ago

Maybe you should consider subscribing to tegram (or discord) developer channel if not yet done. Invites available at