tpage99 / a11yfirst

Hacktoberfest project to promote accessibility and inclusion!
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Reorganize structure? #19

Open tpage99 opened 4 years ago

tpage99 commented 4 years ago

Given how many tools there are for accessibility - would it be worthwhile to break out developer categories even more? For instance, currently all tools are being placed in one category, but even with the small amount present these could be broken out into browser extensions and command line tools on their own pages. There are additional "tool" tools that might be worthwhile to reserve these for, such as color palette accessibility checkers, but even these could fall into "design tools."

patesson commented 4 years ago

Might be an idea to breakout the resources in to their own MD files and use front-matter to set tags on each one. This would allow you to display resources grouped by their tags.

Doing it this way means you don't have to follow one specific categorisation scheme and can display resources in multiple places.

tpage99 commented 4 years ago

thanks for weighing in @patesson. I had thought about breaking them out into their own MD files but didn't know if that would be more work than it's worth. I do agree though that the implementation of tags would be super useful - particularly when I take the time to tackle search.

deveshp commented 4 years ago

@tpage99 , I think splitting the categories using headings would be better than separate pages.

The categorization can be done by similar type of content. Perhaps differentiating them by category: General guides, colors, rules, checklists, etc