tpapp / TransformVariables.jl

Transformations to contrained variables from ℝⁿ.
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Problems in calculating the log absolute Jacobian determinant of the CorrCholeskyFactor transformation #103

Closed Junyi-Que closed 1 year ago

Junyi-Que commented 1 year ago

The way TransformVariables.jl constructs the Cholesky factor of a correlation seems similar to what's given here, with the only difference being $z = tanh(y/2)$ instead of $z = tanh(y)$. The log absolute Jacobian determinant should be $$\sum{i=1}^{K-1}\sum{j=i+1}^{K}\frac{K-i-1}{2}\ln[1-(z{i,j})^2]+\sum{i=1}^{K-1}\sum{j=i+1}^{K}\ln\frac{\partial z{i,j}}{\partial y{i,j}}$$ If $K=3$, it's $$\frac{1}{2}(\ln[1-(z{1,2})^2]+\ln[1-(z{1,3})^2])+\sum{i=1}^{2}\sum{j=i+1}^{3}\ln\frac{\partial z{i,j}}{\partial y_{i,j}}$$

But the calculation in the library misses $\frac{1}{2}\ln[1-(z_{1,2})^2]$ when K=3, and this problem generalizes to larger Ks. The code below illustrates this problem for $K=3$.

t = as(Array,CorrCholeskyFactor(3))
x =  [-0.12833806457027003, 0.24721188811516634, -0.24578748441593382]
logjac_pack = TransformVariables.transform_and_logjac(t,x)[2]

Calculate the change-of-variable adjustment for LKJ transformation
function den_adj(V::Vector{T}) where T
    N = length(V);
    K_X = Int(sqrt(2*N+1/4)+1/2);
    J_X = 0
    count = 1
    @inbounds for j in 2:K_X
        for i in 1:j-1
            yij =V[count]
            J_X += (K_X-i-1)/2*(log(4)+yij-2*log(exp(yij)+1))+log(2)+yij-2*log(1+exp(yij))
            count += 1
    return J_X

logjac_man = den_adj(x)

isequal(logjac_pack,den_adj(x)-1/2* (log(4)+x[1]-2*log(exp(x[1])+1)))  # this returns true
tpapp commented 1 year ago

Thanks for looking into this. I thought the code accounted for the difference, and we also test for this. Currently the tests use ForwardDiff, but we should probably move to FD. See eg

using TransformVariables, FiniteDifferences, LinearAlgebra
t = CorrCholeskyFactor(3)
x =  [-0.12833806457027003, 0.24721188811516634, -0.24578748441593382]
_, lj = TransformVariables.transform_and_logjac(t, x)
above_diag(M::AbstractMatrix) = [M[i, j] for (i, j) in map(Tuple, eachindex(M)) if i < j]
j_fd = jacobian(central_fdm(5, 1), x -> above_diag(transform(t, x)), x)[1]
isapprox(logabsdet(j_fd)[1], lj)

tests true.

Junyi-Que commented 1 year ago

Dear Tamas,

Sorry for the false alarm. I think what I computed was the log absolute Jacobian determinant of transforming to the correlation matrix instead of the Cholesky factor. Thank you for your patience.

Best, Junyi