tpapp / julia-repl

Run an inferior Julia REPL in a terminal inside Emacs
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mishandling of unicode characters, and \<latex...> #77

Closed ko56 closed 4 years ago

ko56 commented 4 years ago
  1. Emacs version: 26.3

  2. Julia version: 1.1.1

  3. julia-repl-20191124.1534

  4. Type ?range, or type "for i \in 1:10" You will see \xxx ... instead of properly-displayed characters.

Version 20190908.1717 did not have these problems.

tpapp commented 4 years ago

I cannot replicate this.

Does this happen in the Julia code buffer (which is handled by julia-mode, and should have nothing to do with this package) or in the terminal?

Can you do a git bisect to pin down the commit which broke this for you?

ko56 commented 4 years ago

The problem is with the code buffer:

julia> for r \342\210\210 eachrow(df) haskey(cnt,r.rsrq) || (cnt[r.rsrq] = 0) cnt[r.rsrq] += 1 end

julia> S = 10000.0; # scale factor

This is with julia-mode-20191108.1436. Are you saying julia-mode is the problem? I think in my Emacs I updated both julia-mode and julia-repl at the same time to julia-mode-20191108.1436 and julia-repl-20190908.1717.

tpapp commented 4 years ago

The problem is with the code buffer:

Now I am very confused, because that looks like the REPL (which is indeed managed by julia-repl). Just to clarify:

  1. julia-mode is what is usually used for editing .jl files,

  2. julia-repl is for interacting with the inferior process, and has julia> prompts etc.

Which one is it?

Are you saying julia-mode is the problem?

I don't know, because I could not replicate. But bisection would be the best way to answer what, if anything, broke.

ko56 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant by "code buffer". What I posted is indeed from the REPL, managed by julia-repl.

You can't replicate the problem and you have the same julia-mode and julia-repl as I do? (I'm not familiar with git bisection, but I'll take a look)

tpapp commented 4 years ago

I am using latest master for both, but that should not make a difference. You could also update to at least the latest MELPA versions.

If that fails, please bisect.

ko56 commented 4 years ago

The versions I see on MELPA are the same with what I have: julia-mode 20191108.1436 and julia-repl 20191124.1534.

ko56 commented 4 years ago

I've been puzzling over this for a while. I found out the following curious thing: if I ssh into the system and start "emacs -nw" in a shell window, then start julia-repl, I can type in the code buffer (REPL buffer) x \in TAB, and the \in gets transformed to the right symbol.

However, if I am on the system, and I start "emacs -nw" in a shell window, I get \342\210\210 after I hit TAB. Mysterious.

ko56 commented 4 years ago

Problem fixed. There must be some interaction between julia-repl and some other Emacs package that I was using. I've eliminated a whole bunch of them from my init.el (that were not useful anyway), and the problem went away.