tpb1908 / GitTesting

A repository for testing Git features and the Git API
1 stars 0 forks source link

Bunch of list html #57

Open tpb1908 opened 7 years ago

tpb1908 commented 7 years ago
  1. Sign in
    1. Allow the user to log in to GitHub with their credentials
    2. Store the authentication token received from GitHub
  2. Users
    1. Display available information about a user
      1. Name
      2. Avatar
      3. Join date
      4. Contributions in graphical form
      5. Statistics on contributions
    2. Repositories
      1. List the repositories that the user has created
      2. List private repositories for the authenticated user
      3. Display the repository primary language
      4. Display the last time that the repository was updated
      5. Display the number of users that have starred or forked the repository
      6. Allow a user to pin a repository to the top of their repository list
    3. Display the list of repositories that a user has starred
    4. Gists
      1. Display the gists that the user has created
      2. Display private gists for the authenticated user
    5. Display the users that a user is following
    6. Display the users that are following a user
    7. Implement following and unfollowing of users
  3. Repositories
    1. Display information about the repository
      1. Repository size
      2. Number of issues
      3. Number of forks
      4. Number of stars
      5. The repository license type
      6. Display the text of the license
    2. Repository files
      1. Display the repository file tree
      2. Implement viewing the file tree for different branches
      3. Display files within the repository
    3. Display the README in a suitable format for a mobile device
    4. Commits
      1. List the commits made to a repository
      2. Implement selecting the branch for which to show commits
      3. Display the user that made the commit, and the commit message
    5. Issues
      1. List the issues made on a repository
      2. Display information about each issue
        1. The issue state
        2. The issue number
        3. The user that opened the user
        4. The user that closed the issue (If applicable)
        5. The date at which the issue was opened
        6. The user(s) assigned to the issue
        7. The tag(s) added to the issue
        8. The number of comments made on the issue
      3. Implement filtering of the issues list
        1. By state
          1. Open
          2. Closed
          3. All
        2. By labels
        3. By assigned user
      4. Implement searching of the issues list
        1. Real time searching of the list
        2. Fuzzy string matching when searching contents
      5. Implement toggling issue state
      6. Implement editing of issues (See issues section)
      7. Implement creation of issues (See issues section)
    6. Projects
      1. List the projects made on a repository
      2. Display information about each project
        1. Name
        2. Description
        3. State
          1. Open
          2. Closed
        4. Last date updated
  4. Issues
    1. Display information about the issue
      1. Title
      2. Number
      3. State
      4. Body
      5. User that opened the issue
      6. Date that the issue was opened
      7. User(s) assigned to the issue
      8. Labels added to the issue
      9. Display the list of events which have occurred on the issue
        1. Closed - When the issue was closed, and the commit if it was closed from a commit message
        2. Reopened- When the issue was re-opened, and by whom
        3. Subscribed- When a user subscribed to the issue, and who subscribed
        4. Merged- When the issue (A pull request) was merged, the commit, and the user that merged the issue
        5. Referenced- When the issue was referenced from a commit message, and the commit
        6. Mentioned- When a user was mentioned in the body, and the user that was mentioned
        7. Assigned- When a user was assigned to the issue, the user that was assigned, and by whom
        8. Unassigned- When a user was unassigned from the issue, the user that was unassigned, and by whom
        9. Labeled- When a label was added to the issue, and by whom
        10. Unlabeled- When a label was removed from the issue, and by whom
        11. Milestoned- When the issue was added to a milestone, and by whom
        12. Demilestoned- When the issue was added to a milestone, and by whom
        13. Renamed- When the issue was renamed, the old and new names, and the user that renamed the issue
        14. Locked- When the issue was locked, and by whom
        15. Unlocked- When the issue was unlocked, and by whom
        16. Head ref deleted- When the pull request's branch was deleted
        17. Head ref restored- When the pull request's branch was restored
        18. Review requested- When a user was requested to review the pull request, and by whom
        19. Review request dismissed- When a review request was dismissed, and by whom
        20. Review request removed- When a request for a user to review the pull request was dismissed, and by whom
        21. Added to project- When the issue was added a project board
        22. Moved columns in project- When the issue was moved between columns in a project board
        23. Removed from project- When the issue was removed from a project board
        24. Converted note to issue- When the issue was created by conversion of a project note to an issue
      1. Display the list of comments on the issue
        1. The user that created the comment
        2. The date that the comment was created
        3. The reactions to the comment
        4. The comment body
      2. Implement editing of comments made by the authenticated user
      3. Implement creation of comments made by the authenticated user
    3. Implement editing of
      1. The issue title
      2. The issue body
      3. The issue assignee(s)
      4. The issue label(s)
  5. Commits
    1. Display information about the commit
      1. The commit message
      2. The time that the commit was created
      3. The user that created the commit
      4. The number of additions and deletions made in the commit
    2. Diffs
      1. List the changed files
      2. Display information about the changed files
        1. The file state
          1. Created
          2. Deleted
          3. Modified
        2. The number of additions and deletions
      3. Display and highlight the changed lines of code
      1. Display the list of comments on the commit
        1. The user that created the comment
        2. The date that the comment was created
        3. The reactions to the comment
        4. The comment body
      2. Implemented editing of comments made by the authenticated user
      3. Implement creation of comments by the authenticated user
    4. Statuses
      1. Display the overall status for a commit
      2. Display the integration that created a status
      3. Link to the status information
  6. Projects
    1. Display information about each column
      1. The column title
      2. The last time that the column was updated
      3. The number of cards in the column
    2. Implement creation of new columns
    3. Implement deletion of columns
    4. Display cards for each column
      1. For note cards display the note text
      2. For issue cards display
        1. The issue title
        2. The issue body
        3. The issue state
        4. The issue number
        5. The number of comments on the issue
        6. The user that opened the issue
        7. The user that closed the issue (If applicable)
        8. The user(s) that are assigned to the issue
        9. The label(s) that are assigned to the issue
    5. Implement editing note cards text
    6. Implement deleting note cards
    7. Implement editing issue cards
      1. Implement editing the issue (See issue section)
      2. Implement toggling issue state
      3. Implement removal of the issue card from the project
    8. Implement creation of new cards
      1. Implement creation of note cards with text limited to the correct length
      2. Implement creation of new issue cards
        1. Create a new issue
        2. Create a new card linked to the issue
      3. Implement creation of issue cards from pre-existing issues
    9. Implement searching of project cards
      1. Search text of cards and issues
      2. Fuzzy text matching
      3. Jump to and highlight the selected search item
  7. Link handling
    1. Handle all links through
    2. Gracefully reject unsupported links by showing other apps which can handle the link
    3. Handle username links by opening the user
    4. Handle repository links and subsections
      1. Handle repository links by opening the repository
      2. Handle issues links by opening the issues section of the repository
      3. Handle projects links by opening the projects section of the repository
      4. Handle commits links by opening the commits section of the repository
    5. Direct item links
      1. Open individual issues from their numbers
      2. Open individual files from their paths
      3. Projects
        1. Open individual projects from their numbers
        2. With a project, jump to a selected card from the id specified in a URL
  8. Notifications
    1. Run a background service to check for new notifications
    2. Allow the user to disable the notification service
    3. Only load notifications since the last time that they were loaded
    4. Display different icons and titles for different notification types
      1. Assign notifications, when the user is assigned to an issue
      2. Author notifications, when an update occurs on an item which the user created
      3. Comment notifications, when an update occurs on a thread which the user commented on
      4. Invitation notifications, when the user accepts an invitation to contribute to a repository
      5. Manual notifications, when the user has manually subscribed to a thread
      6. Mention notifications, when the user has been mentioned in the content of an item
      7. State change notifications, when the user changes the state of a thread
      8. Subscribed notifications, when a change happens to a repository that the user is subscribed to
  9. Markdown
    1. Parse markdown to an Android usable format
    2. Implement GitHub markdown specific features
      1. Code blocks
        1. Display short code blocks as monospaced text blocks within the text body
        2. Display large code blocks as placeholders for a separate view
      2. Parse horizontal rules and create the correct spans
      3. Images
        1. Parse image links
        2. Load the images asynchronously
        3. Display the images in the text body, maintaining their aspect
        4. Cache the images for later use
        5. Make image clickable, to show images in a fullscreen dialog
      4. Username mentions
        1. Find username mentions in text body
        2. Ensure that the following string matches the GitHub username format
        3. If the username is valid, replace the username text with a link
      5. Issue references
        1. Find issue references in text body
        2. Ensure that the following string is numeric
        3. Replace the issue reference text with an issue link
      6. Emojis
        1. Find emoji name strings in the text body
        2. If the emoji name is valid, replace it with the correct unicode character
      7. Checkboxes
        1. Find GitHub style checkboxes in the text body
        2. Replace the checkboxes with the correct unicode characters
      8. When displaying background colours, choose a text colour which contrasts the label colour
      9. Display tables as placeholders for a separate view
    3. Link handling
      1. Match the same URIs that Android will normally find
      2. Attempt to ignore code strings which may match a URI
    4. Format lists with the required indentation levels
      1. Support both ordered and unordered lists
        1. Correctly indent lists
        2. Handle nested lists
      2. Support ordered list types
        1. Numbered lists
        2. Alphabetic lists
        3. Capitalised alphabetic lists
        4. Roman numeral lists
        5. Capitalised Roman numeral lists
  10. Markdown editing
    1. Implement toggling of a text editor between raw markdown and formatted markdown
    2. Add utility buttons for markdown features
      1. Links
      2. Bold text
      3. Italic text
      4. Strikethrough text
      5. List items
      6. Numbered list items
      7. Quote blocks
      8. Horizontal rules
    3. Add further utility buttons
      1. Images
        1. Allow the user to choose an image image from their device, take a photo, or type a link
        2. Upload the image to a hosting service
        3. Collect the image link and insert it into the text editor
      2. Code tags
      3. Checkboxes
      4. Emoji insertion
        1. Display a list of possible emojis
        2. Allow searching emojis by their names
        3. Insert the chosen emoji text into the text editor
      5. Unicode insertion
        1. Display a list of possible unicode characters
        2. Allow searching characters by their names
        3. Insert the chosen characters into the text editor
tpb1908 commented 7 years ago

Will a rule still work?

Something below it

Heading 1 Heading 2
Item 1 Item 2

Another table below

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Item 4 Item 5 Item 6
Item 7 Item 8 Item 9
tpb1908 commented 7 years ago

Larger table

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 Heading 7
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 another one another two
Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 another three another four
Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Item 15 another five another six
tpb1908 commented 7 years ago
public static void main(String[] args) {
     * Multi 
     * line 
     * comment
     int i = 0;
     while(i++ < 10) {
     System.out.println("Last thing");