tphakala / birdnet-go

Realtime BirdNET soundscape analyzer
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LocationFilterThreshold #115

Open MueJosh opened 2 months ago

MueJosh commented 2 months ago

Implemented with commit 954c681

EDIT: "I've just seen that maybe the issue is on my side, I'll get to this in the evening."

EDIT_2: It's working flawlessly! Great work and fast commit ❤️ Thank you

Ursprünglich gepostet von @MueJosh in

Unfortunately it still doesn't work as it should.. I don't know where the issue could be. My settings haven't changed, I updated the container a few days ago. (No idea how I can find out which version I'm running. It says :latest - but it's doing this all the time)

# BirdNET-Go configuration

debug: false # print debug messages, can help with problem solving
# Node specific settings
    name: BirdNET-Go_03 # name of node, can be used to identify source of notes
    timeas24h: true # true for 24-hour time format, false for 12-hour time format
        enabled: true # true to enable log file
        path: birdnet.log # path to log file
        rotation: daily # daily, weekly or size
        maxsize: 1048576 # max size in bytes for size rotation
        rotationday: 0 # day of the week for weekly rotation, 0 = Sunday
# BirdNET model specific settings
    sensitivity: !!float 1 # sigmoid sensitivity, 0.1 to 1.5
    threshold: 0.3 # threshold for prediction confidence to report, 0.0 to 1.0
    overlap: 0.5 # overlap between chunks, 0.0 to 2.9
    threads: 4 # 0 to use all available CPU threads
    locale: en # language to use for labels
    latitude: 48.XXXX # latitude of recording location for prediction filtering
    longitude: 7.XXX0 # longitude of recording location for prediction filtering
    locationfilterthreshold: 0.0018 # rangefilter species occurrence threshold
# Realtime processing settings

Location edited out because privacy, the last digit on longitude is "0" maybe that's an issue? Idk

tphakala commented 2 months ago

I will add more debugging options. Are you able to compile github codebase yourself or do you require pre-compiled binary?

Compiling is quite easy, just install go 1.22.2, clone github repository and run make

MueJosh commented 2 months ago

I will add more debugging options. Are you able to compile github codebase yourself or do you require pre-compiled binary?

Compiling is quite easy, just install go 1.22.2, clone github repository and run make

I can try in the next week or so. It's the same for every Debian based system? (E.g. raspberry 02w)

tphakala commented 2 months ago

Yes, compile process is same for any Debian/Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi OS based systems

MueJosh commented 2 months ago

Yes, compile process is same for any Debian/Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi OS based systems

Okay, i have it running, but now what. I compiled it with make (getting "go" to work was harder than thought) Now I'm basically stuck like in my first discussion

I can start it with ./birdnet-go realtime but i don't know whats different.

Since yesterday i have it running in a docker container (docker build with the dockerfile), it works but i think (not tested) the Location Filter Threshold still doesn't do its Thing.

Should i do something different?

Edit: ouff... for bubo_bubo i have to set it to 0.0006 (with the new analyzer model)- that wasnt the problem- still no detection

MueJosh commented 2 months ago

Weird stuff, some birds below 0.01 get detected (LFT set to 0.0006). BUT Not a single Owl (except the Tawny Owl- its everywhere..) gets detected unless I change the Location to 0 then all of them work (including the owls from the species_config.csv - maybe its case sensitive? i have it set up in capital letter [e.g. Eurasian Eagle-Owl] for now)

This just proves that something is still very wrong with the Location Filter Threshold

MueJosh commented 2 months ago

the "dog bark filter" also seems to eat up some Owl calls Im testing it with this video/sounds for now Youtube European Owls - Sounds when its set to "false" it detects the eagle owl most of the time- but when its set to "true" its a whole different story... (not an issue at all, I turn it off for now)

tphakala commented 2 months ago

Dog bark filter is meant to filter out owl calls, at my area almost every single owl detection is a dog. But I am sure there is room for improvement for its logic.

I will try to add some debugging code next weekend to help troubleshoot with location filtering.

MueJosh commented 2 months ago

Dog bark filter is meant to filter out owl calls, at my area almost every single owl detection is a dog. But I am sure there is room for improvement for its logic.

I will try to add some debugging code next weekend to help troubleshoot with location filtering.

Oh, and I thought it was meant to filter out dog barks and not owl calls. Good to know 👍

Sounds good! Thank you