tphakala / birdnet-go

Realtime BirdNET soundscape analyzer
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Add POC disk cleanup #117

Closed isZumpo closed 2 months ago

coderabbitai[bot] commented 2 months ago


The recent update introduces a disk cleanup mechanism within the analysis processor. This addition is designed to monitor disk usage and automatically clear out files once certain thresholds are reached. It's a smart move towards ensuring the system remains efficient and avoids running out of storage space unexpectedly. The update encompasses both the implementation of the cleanup functionality and its testing.


File Path Change Summary
.../processor/actions.go Added disk cleanup functionality including usage calculation and file removal.
.../processor/actions_test.go Introduced tests for the new disk cleanup mechanism.

In the land of code and byte,
Where disks do fill up in the night,
A clever rabbit hopped in sight,
With cleanup code, made storage light.
"Fear not," it said, "for I'll ensure,
Your space is free, forevermore."

Recent Review Status **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 5f26da1eeaec81ee8163946739dad34066187ac2 and a22d719700c97faa50e3656f4e802074838bcd1e.
Files ignored due to path filters (2) * `go.mod` is excluded by `!**/*.mod` * `go.sum` is excluded by `!**/*.sum`
Files selected for processing (2) * internal/analysis/processor/actions.go (3 hunks) * internal/analysis/processor/actions_test.go (1 hunks)
Additional Context Used
GitHub Check Runs (1)
lint failure (3)
internal/analysis/processor/actions.go: [failure] 213-213: Error return value of `a.DiskCleanUp` is not checked (errcheck) --- internal/analysis/processor/actions_test.go: [failure] 5-5: SA1019: "io/ioutil" has been deprecated since Go 1.19: As of Go 1.16, the same functionality is now provided by package [io] or package [os], and those implementations should be preferred in new code. See the specific function documentation for details. (staticcheck)
Additional comments not posted (6)
internal/analysis/processor/actions_test.go (3)
`27-53`: Consider adding error handling for file creation and data writing in `initData`. While the current implementation uses `t.Fatalf` to halt the test on errors, ensuring clean file closure and deletion in case of failures can prevent resource leaks during test execution. --- `69-106`: Validate disk cleanup logic when disk is full. The test `TestDiskCleanUpFullDisk` correctly sets up a scenario where the disk is full and validates the cleanup process. It properly calculates the expected number of files after cleanup based on the mock disk usage and asserts the outcome. --- `108-139`: Ensure cleanup does not occur below threshold. The test `TestDiskCleanUpLessThanTreshold` effectively verifies that no files are removed when the disk usage is below the specified threshold. This test ensures that the cleanup logic is correctly applied only when necessary.
internal/analysis/processor/actions.go (3)
`91-95`: Implement sorting interface for file modification times. The `ByModTime` type and its methods correctly implement the `sort.Interface`, enabling sorting of files by modification time. This is essential for the disk cleanup logic to remove older files first. --- `97-100`: Define disk usage calculation interface. The `DiskUsageCalculator` interface is well-defined, encapsulating the necessary methods for calculating disk usage. This abstraction allows for easy testing and future extensions. --- `102-111`: Utilize actual disk usage for cleanup calculations. The `RealDiskUsage` type correctly implements the `DiskUsageCalculator` interface using the `go-disk-usage` library. This provides accurate disk usage metrics for the cleanup process.
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isZumpo commented 2 months ago

Sorry.... Was going to push a pr to my own fork such that I did not forget about the branch...