tphakala / birdnet-go

Realtime BirdNET soundscape analyzer
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Features to add from bird weather #130

Open matthew73210 opened 2 months ago

matthew73210 commented 2 months ago


Just some ideas, they might have already been added or put in the sin bin. Having a quick look at Birdweather API, there's some pretty nifty stuff.

As your stated, you mainly want this app to be local. Maybe a toggle could be added to grab stuff from external sources?

Going back to the API, a nifty thing would be to add the probabilty of said bird to the detections. i.e I sometimes get a false positive of the green sandpiper, I don't think at 1250m in the snow this is all too probable. But there is a 5 percent chance that at my location, one could be seen etc... One could add weather, or even other sightings.

If it's a nay, pin this so others don't ask.


tphakala commented 1 month ago

I have been thinking of adding weather data, but I would fetch it from Openweather instead of BirdWeather. Using BirdWeather for species probabilities is too unreliable I think, there is just far too many false detections with high probability scores.

matthew73210 commented 1 month ago

I have been thinking of adding weather data, but I would fetch it from Openweather instead of BirdWeather. Using BirdWeather for species probabilities is too unreliable I think, there is just far too many false detections with high probability scores.

Had a look and I think they just grab the weather stuff from open weather, and predictions from ebird

matthew73210 commented 1 month ago

Been discussing birdweather. But what about ebird? You'll need an API key, but the information from that site is pretty kosher?

tphakala commented 1 month ago

I have been thinking of adding support for generating eBird spreadsheet files for reporting bird sighting. This is however pending on UI components for verifying and tagging detections as 100% correct.

matthew73210 commented 1 month ago

This was a discussion from the birdnet-pi erea, of course what you upload has to be validated by oneself. Good idea though