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Reworked webui reader #156

Open matthew73210 opened 1 month ago

matthew73210 commented 1 month ago

Reworked the webui.log reader. Placed the functions it what seems the right folders. #153 & #138 Couldn't for the life of me get the templating working like settings, just created a work around in logs.html. Pretty much just index.html copied and removed some parts. Need to work on making it dynamic as it depends on refreshing the browser. Being a gitnoob i commited my changes to config, can ignore them.

Might need to be carefull about CSS attacks cus the function reads the webui log and posts as is, if someones puts some code in there ? I think code rabbit will flag it up again.

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The changes made enhance debugging capabilities and improve the user interface for log management. Key updates include enabling debug mode, adjusting RTSP settings for better network streaming, adding log file reading functionality, creating a new endpoint for log display, optimizing routes, and enhancing the log viewing page.


Files Change Summary
Added conf/config.yaml to ignore list. Enabled debug mode; updated RTSP settings.
internal/.../fileserver.go Imported new libraries; added file reading function.
Added new handler for log file display. Updated routing, optimized endpoint registrations.
views/logs.html Enhanced HTML with new structure and JavaScript for log display.

🐰✨ In the burrows of code, deep and wide, A rabbit hops with a joyful stride. Logs in place, and debugs alight, Through tunnels of data, into the night. Celebrate the craft, with every byte! 🌟 🐰✨

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matthew73210 commented 1 month ago

The webui doesn't have much going on, but the basis is there to read the other logfile too. Might add two links under logs. Or just paste all logs to webui.log and have a single one?