tphakala / birdnet-go

Realtime BirdNET soundscape analyzer
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bug (minor) Web UI not working correctly if default port is changed #169

Closed PovilasID closed 1 month ago

PovilasID commented 1 month ago


I tested running this in docker and changed native webui port

  enabled: true         # true to enable web server
  port: 8778            # port for web server
  autotls: false        # true to enable auto TLS

UI loads but not entirely. I get detections page just fine but if try to open Settings I get:

"message": "Internal Server Error"

Also "Nothing here yet .." in stats and logs pages.

BTW I tried setting webui to false... it sill started up. Very persistent! 😄 But maybe not ideal if trying to reduce some resource consumption.

tphakala commented 1 month ago

UI loads but not entirely. I get detections page just fine but if try to open Settings I get:

"message": "Internal Server Error"

This error is not related to port change, it is a bug I accidentally introduced with changes to settings structure. I already have a fix but I may have not committed it yet.

Also "Nothing here yet .." in stats and logs pages.

This is expected, I have not implemented anything for logs or stats yet.