tphakala / birdnet-go

Realtime BirdNET soundscape analyzer
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feat: New "priority" cleanup policy #180

Closed tphakala closed 1 month ago

tphakala commented 1 month ago

The priority disk cleanup feature purges recordings based on several policy rules. This helps maintain disk usage within user-defined limits while retaining valuable recordings.

This retention policy will be enabled by default.

  1. Configurable Threshold:

    • Cleanup starts when disk usage exceeds a user-defined threshold (e.g., 80%).
  2. Sorting Policies:

    • Oldest Files First: The primary criterion is to delete the oldest recordings first.
    • Species Occurrences: Files are prioritized for deletion based on the number of occurrences of each species, with species having the most recordings prioritized to be deleted first as these are often least interesting to user
    • Confidence Level: Files with lower confidence levels are prioritized for deletion over those with higher confidence levels.
    • Default to Oldest Timestamp: If other criteria are equal, the oldest files are prioritized.
  3. Minimum Clips Per Species:

    • Ensures that a minimum number of recordings per species are retained for each month.
    • This attempts to spare rare recordings from deletion
  4. Controlled Deletion Process:

    • Stops deleting files once disk usage falls below the threshold, each cleanup cycle is limited 1000 deletions
    • Cleanup cycle runs at 5 minute intervals
    • QuitChannel is monitored and cleanup loop exits cleanly if application exit is requested
coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The recent changes enhance the audio clip retention system by introducing new cleanup modes based on age and priority. These modifications involve updating configuration settings, adding utility functions for error handling, and implementing age and priority-based cleanup capabilities in the diskmanager package. The ClipCleanupMonitor function has been adjusted to delegate cleanup operations according to the selected mode.


File Path Change Summary
internal/analysis/realtime.go Modified ClipCleanupMonitor to delegate cleanup to diskmanager based on mode (age or priority).
internal/conf/config.go Updated Settings struct to include Mode and DiskUsageLimit fields.
internal/conf/config.yaml Altered configuration for clip retention, including new eviction modes and disk usage limits.
internal/conf/defaults.go Updated default settings for audio export retention, adding new fields for retention policies.
internal/conf/utils.go Added ParsePercentage function and included errors and strconv packages for utility purposes.
internal/diskmanager/age.go Introduced functionality for age-based cleanup of clips.
internal/diskmanager/priority.go Added priority-based cleanup, including policy loading, disk usage calculation, and file sorting.
internal/diskmanager/util.go Added WriteSortedFilesToFile function to write sorted files to a text file for investigation.

Sequence Diagram(s) (Beta)

    participant User
    participant Config
    participant ClipCleanupMonitor
    participant DiskManager

    User->>Config: Load Settings
    Config->>ClipCleanupMonitor: Provide Settings
    ClipCleanupMonitor->>DiskManager: Delegate Cleanup (based on mode)
    DiskManager->>DiskManager: Perform Age-Based Cleanup
    DiskManager->>DiskManager: Perform Priority-Based Cleanup

In fields of code, where bytes do roam, We clean with age and priority's tome. Disk space saved, our data bright, Retention policies set just right. A rabbit's work, both day and night, To keep the system running light.


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