tpill90 / battlenet-lancache-prefill

CLI tool to automatically prefill a Lancache with Battle.Net games
MIT License
72 stars 10 forks source link

Setup deterministic builds #44

Closed tpill90 closed 1 year ago

tpill90 commented 1 year ago
tpill90 commented 1 year ago

Test script, with SingleFile and ReadyToRun enabled

function publish()
    git clean -fx -d | out-null
    dotnet publish .\BattleNetPrefill\BattleNetPrefill.csproj `
    -v quiet `
    -o "publish" `
    -c Release `
    --runtime "win-x64" `
    --self-contained true `
    /p:PublishSingleFile=true `
    /p:PublishReadyToRun=true `

    $sha = Get-ChildItem .\publish\BattleNetPrefill.exe | Get-FileHash
    Write-Host $sha.Hash
    Write-Host ""
tpill90 commented 1 year ago

SingleFile deterministic builds are not currently supported. Closing