[2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stdout] checking for chmod... yes
[2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stdout] checking for mkdir... yes
[2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stdout] checking for setfacl... no
[2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stderr] configure: error: Missing required program 'setfacl': ensure it is installed and on PATH.
[2021-04-26 19:38:54] [ERROR] Spawned process exited abnormally (code 1; tried to run: [/opt/work/lgtm-workspace/lgtm/])
A fatal error occurred: Exit status 1 from command: [/opt/work/lgtm-workspace/lgtm/]
Fixes: [2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stdout] checking for chmod... yes [2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stdout] checking for mkdir... yes [2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stdout] checking for setfacl... no [2021-04-26 19:38:54] [build-stderr] configure: error: Missing required program 'setfacl': ensure it is installed and on PATH. [2021-04-26 19:38:54] [ERROR] Spawned process exited abnormally (code 1; tried to run: [/opt/work/lgtm-workspace/lgtm/]) A fatal error occurred: Exit status 1 from command: [/opt/work/lgtm-workspace/lgtm/]
Signed-off-by: William Roberts