tpoisot / MLBS
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An idea #2

Closed gottacatchenall closed 1 month ago

gottacatchenall commented 1 year ago

Hi Tim,

Seeing this gave me an idea for a post-PhD project, which could be a possible sequel or companion book on the web and arxiv on DNNs in particular, i.e. "Deep Learning for Biodiversity Scientists" or similar

I think (and I wonder if you agree) that the primary obstacle to adoption of deep learning is many ecologists interface with models through single functions provided by packages that take structured data as an input, do everything for you, and return a God object with all results. It tends to be hard for deep learning models to fit into that framework, because each question typically requires some tinkering with the model structure and internals that is generally easier to work with Flux/Torch/Keras directly. Even though these are relatively high-level compared to the days of everything at the TF level, I don't think there are many (any?) resources on using these libraries specifically in the context of ecology.

I have a (very loose) structure in mind, something like



Unsupervised and semisupervised

tpoisot commented 1 year ago

That makes a lot of sense -- I was originally thinking about this for my sabbatical (but then ended up doing other things). I'm not going to think about it more until I'm done with this class, but we can certaintly revisit this in Jan./Feb.