tpoisot / juliaforecologists

Introduction to Julia with examples from ecology
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Simulations of ecological data #1

Open aammd opened 8 years ago

aammd commented 8 years ago

I'd love to learn how to do simulations in Julia. It seems to me that there could be two simple examples to start with:

Of course there are lots of simple biological examples for each. I think I first learned about permutation tests with an example involving the difference between two medians. Likewise my first exposure to stochastic simulation was a simple logistic population growth model. Those would be fun examples, but of course there are many more.

tpoisot commented 8 years ago

Great! I was going to add some more "data analysis" examples (but later -- I think my modeler's bias is showing). There are good examples in some intro to pop biol books to replicate.

tpoisot commented 8 years ago

Nope, ignore b1788f3 -- real commit on its way