tpope / vim-abolish

abolish.vim: Work with several variants of a word at once
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Coercing too quickly? #13

Open jamesamcl opened 11 years ago

jamesamcl commented 11 years ago

First of all, this plugin has been an absolute life saver in my conversion of a large, CamelCase C++ project to snake_case C, so thank you very much indeed.

I've just got one weird problem with coerce - if I type crs very quickly, vim ends up substituting the current character instead (as if I'd just typed s). If I type c r s slowly, it works as expected.

I'm using MacVim 7.3, with your abolish, unimpaired and repeat plugins.

tpope commented 11 years ago

That's the opposite of what I would expect to happen. Check :nmap c and see if anything surprising is in there.

jamesamcl commented 11 years ago

It just says:

n  cr     <Plug>Coerce
qstrahl commented 11 years ago

First thing that jumps to mind is to check the values of 'timeout', 'ttimeout', 'timeoutlen', and 'ttimeoutlen'; couldn't hurt to also read the :help on those subjects to see if you can work out what's going on.