tpope / vim-fireplace

fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
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Add an 'eval outermost form' mapping #155

Closed cursork closed 10 years ago

cursork commented 10 years ago

This is a bit of a follow-up to the changes resulting from #119 - if the community absolutely doesn't like cpp as outermost, can we have another mapping for it? It's useful to have available - personally I use and like cpo.

I can understand the roll-back to innermost (although I thought cp-text-object actually worked naturally here).

My thinking is simply that it'd be good to get a standard 'eval outermost' - in the same way having the current cpp is good.

tpope commented 10 years ago

Discussed ad nauseum in #148.

Edit: And #91. And the aforementioned #119.

cursork commented 10 years ago

Not to be too much of a pain, but none of those issues give a good reason why there should not be a standard eval-outermost. 'People complaining' is definitely a reasonable reason to roll back the cpp change. But it's not a great reason to not have both. From those linked issues:

"Why not both?... If there's a working outermost eval in those issues, I missed it." "I think the new one is much more useful (exactly because cpab is easy enough)"

I was surprised that you actually changed the behaviour of cpp in the first place. But you clearly saw utility in the outermost behaviour...

Anyway - feel free to ignore me - it is a trivial thing for me to have my own mapping. I simply prefer to have standard mappings when I use someone else's Vim with fireplace (or vice versa).

Feel bad for being a pain, but you did say "I'm not opposed to people speaking up." ;)

To clarify - I'm not looking for cpp to change - I just think it makes sense to have another mapping for 'eval outermost'