tpope / vim-fireplace

fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
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Cannot connect to browser REPL #172

Closed honza closed 10 years ago

honza commented 10 years ago

As per the documentation, fireplace will connect to a Rhino instance using Piggieback. The optional env is meant to allow other REPL backends.

The austin documentation says that the way to bring up a browser REPL (phantomjs) is by running:

(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl :repl-env (cemerick.austin/exec-env))

In the nREPL.

I can't seem to get the usual cpp and cpr functionality with the the browser REPL.

I have tried two things:

1) Run the above command in the nREPL started by lein repl. Vim can't seem to find that instance and freaks out with the following when running cpr

screen shot 2014-08-21 at 11 45 02 am

2) Run :Piggieback (cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl :repl-env (cemerick.austin/exec-env)) on a normal lein repl instance. This gives me the same error in vim as above.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong. In either case, it's not clear from the fireplace, piggieback or austin documentation.

tpope commented 10 years ago

Pass in the actual environment:

:Piggieback (cemerick.austin/exec-env)