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fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
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Nashorn support for Piggieback #243

Closed vitvly closed 6 years ago

vitvly commented 8 years ago


i was trying to check if it were possible to select Nashorn instead of Rhino when running on JDK 8+, came up with this in s:repl.piggieback() function (line 279):

  if empty(a:arg)
    let java_version = connection.eval('(System/getProperty "java.version")')
    if has_key(java_version, 'value') && split(java_version['value'], '\.')[1] >= 8
      call connection.eval("(require 'cljs.repl.nashorn)")
      let arg = '(cljs.repl.nashorn/repl-env)'
      let arg = '(cljs.repl.rhino/repl-env)'

When running :Piggieback the output ofconnection.eval('(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl'.' '.arg.')') call is:

[['status', ['done']], ['id', 'fireplace-123456789'], ['out', 'To quit,
type: :cljs/quit^@'], ['session', ['581826c7-cbfb-4406-a585-8d6c6ce981d5']], ['ns', 'cljs.user'], ['v
alue', 'nil']]

Seems to be fine. But, when trying to eval some ClojureScript form the next error is thrown:

{'status': ['eval-error', 'done'], 'ex': 'class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo', 'root-ex': 'class clojur
e.lang.ExceptionInfo', 'id': 'fireplace-123456789', 'session': ['56a98f2a-25f6-4933-
965d-533064f193d1'], 'err': 'TypeError: Cannot read property "getStackTrace" from undefined^@^I (NO_S
OURCE_FILE <eval>:1:0)^@^I (NO_SOURCE_FILE <eval>:1:0)^@^I (NO_SOURCE_FILE <eval>:1:0)^@'}

Why is that? I don't quite understand how to debug this error further - can you please provide some directions?


gavocanov commented 8 years ago

same here

geraldodev commented 8 years ago


Are you managing to establish a talk between fireplace and figwheel ? If so, can you post the project.clj ?



2015-11-19 12:06 GMT-02:00 Paolo Gavocanov

same here

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gavocanov commented 8 years ago

After lein figwheel in bash i do :Connect nrepl://localhost:7888 in vim and that works (if using 0.10 SNAPSHOTS of cider I get shitloads of errors, but with 0.9.x works ok).

I have piggieback and cider stuff in my ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

       :dependencies [
                      [cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.1"]
                      ;; [refactor-nrepl "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]
                      [com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1"]
                      [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]
                      [weasel "0.7.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojurescript]]
       :figwheel {
                  :nrepl-port       7888
                  :nrepl-middleware [
                                     ;; "refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor"

I get the same error as you when I try to do :Piggieback and then try to evaluate anything.

I included weasel now in my test project and connecting to it ATM, that works fine as a workaround.