tpope / vim-fireplace

fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
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Inline Documentation #257

Closed ccorcos closed 8 years ago

ccorcos commented 8 years ago

So I'm new to both Vim and Clojure so I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm playing with Overtone, and I'd love to get inline styles like this:


Any ideas?

tpope commented 8 years ago

set completeopt+=preview

ccorcos commented 8 years ago

Hmm. thats not doing anything for me.

I have the repl running, and I can make sounds.

When I type (sin-os nothing pops up. If I hit C-P, I get an autocomplete based on other words in the file, but no documentation lookup.

ccorcos commented 8 years ago

I have these two plugins installed as well, which I believe should make it work.

Plugin 'tpope/vim-fireplace' " clojure repl support
Plugin 'tpope/vim-classpath.git' " for looking up java objects for closure fireplace

Am I missing some other configurations that show the dropdown?

tpope commented 8 years ago

:h compl-omni

stiofand commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue if I write the symbol and then the / I get nothing but words in flle. C-x Co just searches with no end. It works sometimes, but then the C-X C-O says no match found. Thats for anything in scope. For example: With Clojure...

(ns web.core
  (:require [org.httpkit.server :as s]))    
  (defn create-server []
     (s/ <<< no completion here OR Pattern not found with C-X C-.O))