tpope / vim-fireplace

fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
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fix clojurescript evaluation with :Eval and to disconnect repl at Piggieback! #270

Closed codewhale closed 8 years ago

codewhale commented 8 years ago


I found that mapping :Eval is not working and found that leading line feed is send along. And I modify the Piggieback! to disconnect clojurescript repl, so that I can reconnect later.

Thanks for having a look and let me know if I break other use cases

tpope commented 8 years ago

If you must drop the line feeds, make it ClojureScript only.

codewhale commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the review. I just added a cljs check. Please let me know if this works

codewhale commented 8 years ago

@tpope is there a test I can verify my edit doesn't affect others

FYI, I test my scenario with boot-cljs-repl :Piggieback (adzerk.boot-cljs-repl/repl-env)

tpope commented 8 years ago

Please squash to a single commit.

codewhale commented 8 years ago

Thanks @tpope for the review. I just squashed my commits to a single one

tpope commented 8 years ago

Okay, now I can see there should actually be 2 commits, one for each change.

codewhale commented 8 years ago

@tpope split as two commits, please have a look

tpope commented 8 years ago

Okay, drop the debugging echom and I think we're good to go.

codewhale commented 8 years ago

Thanks @tpope , echom print removed