tpope / vim-fireplace

fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
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Connecting to remote repl (docker) can't find sources #288

Closed fuadsaud closed 7 years ago

fuadsaud commented 7 years ago

I'm running vim on my laptop and connection to a repl running in a docker container.

I can successfully :Connect hostname:port, open the quasi-repl and Eval expressions. However, when I try [<C-d> or :Source and :Doc from my source code, I get Couldn't find source for .... Running (source <symbol>) in the quasi-repl and supplying the exact same symbols from the source files returns the symbol's definition successfully, so I can attest it is able to connect and locate things.

I'm not sure how I can further debug this issue, since fireplace does not spit any detailed logs. I'm also not sure if I can get the nrepl server to get any more verbose, in order to know exactly what fireplace is sending to and getting back from it.

tpope commented 7 years ago