Open lel4866 opened 2 years ago
It works as expected for me with cider-nrepl 0.26.0. When I try to upgrade I get Unable to resolve var: cider.nrepl/wrap-apropos in this context
. Don't have time to dig in on what's going on there. But if you can check if it works with that cider-nrepl version, that might narrow it down.
Using either the latest nvim, nvim-qt or vim 9 on Windows 11, If I run (println "Hello") by typing cpp in the form, fireplace displays nil, but not "Hello". The lein repl does not show anything. (+ 3 4) displays 7.
(println "Hello") in the repl displays Hello.
But, if I do (print "Hello\n"), Hello is displayed.
And...if I do: (println (str "Hello" "\n")), Hello is displayed.
If I run Emacs 28.2 with Cider on Windows 11, (println "Hello") displays Hello
No issues if I run vim from wsl
This is the same issue as reported 9 months ago in the clojure reddit: