tpope / vim-markdown

Vim Markdown runtime files
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Markdown folding borked in latest vim-gtk3 (8.0) in Debian Stretch #122

Open luxpir opened 6 years ago

luxpir commented 6 years ago

The version mentioned in the title has this plugin under ftplugins dated more recently than the code in this repo. Took me a while to figure out the repo is still more up to date. That'll need a quick change in the code here, perhaps.

Then I tried to install this plugin to after/ because it's a filetype plugin, as per the docs. Using :scriptnames I see that it loads the syntax file OK, last, but doesn't load the ftplugin file. So I source it manually and it works. This isn't how the after/ dir is supposed to work though, right?

I tried adding a source line with exact working dir in .vimrc, but while that loaded it in, it didn't work (i.e. folding still didn't work). Only sourcing it from after/ manually works for me, which obviously is not ideal.

Also tried replacing the files manually in the runtime directory... no dice.

What am I missing?

scolsen commented 5 years ago

Don't know if there's any compatibility issues with vim-gtk3, but you should be able to activate folding by adding the following line to your .vimrc if this plugin exists in your shared vim directory:

let g:markdown_folding = 1

There shouldn't be any need for the after/ dir if you want to use the folding provided by this plugin. AFAIK, usually this plugin is included with vim 8.0 by default. To check, see if markdown.vim exists in /usr/share/vim/.../ftplugin/. If so, and if its contents match the file in this repo, the above solution should suffice. The relevant code is:

If vim-gtk-3 doesn't include the folding code, you may need to install this as a separate plugin. Checkout vim plugin managers for the easiest way to do that:,

I have a PR for updating the README to include this information.