tpope / vim-obsession

obsession.vim: continuously updated session files
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When vim is closed unexpectedly, the session won't remember its buffers ever again #71

Closed Zeioth closed 2 years ago

Zeioth commented 2 years ago

The way to fix this is to create the session again with

:Obsession ~/path/file.vim

Now I have an UPS so hopefuly it should't happen that often.

augustobmoura commented 2 years ago

Hit the same issue, removing the Session.vim file and creating it again also works

norogoth commented 2 years ago

This has been happening to me too. When I close tmux and restart all my sessions are now overridden. Makes Obsession to dangerous for me to use at the moment.

tpope commented 2 years ago

Alright fine I took a blind stab at a fix.

norogoth commented 2 years ago

Cool. Thanks @tpope How do I update? Do I only need to run :PlugInstall ?

tpope commented 2 years ago

I don't know, however your plugin manager works. If you tried and failed, it's probably because you did it in the 2 minutes before I pushed.

Zeioth commented 2 years ago

Thank you pope, I just noticed the PR, testing it.

norogoth commented 2 years ago

Haven't run into the issue yet! LGTM!