tpope / vim-pathogen

pathogen.vim: manage your runtimepath
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Reload every plugin as in vim-scriptease #173

Closed dbeniamine closed 8 years ago

dbeniamine commented 8 years ago


I'm developing a vim plugin manager on top of pathogen called vizardry, and at some points I need to reload every scripts (for instance after an upgrade).

Currently I'm able to Reload everything but the autoloaded files, I think you have implemented this in scriptease for the :Runtime command.

I was wondering if It was possible to move this command to pathogen or do something similar.



tpope commented 8 years ago

I might add reloading some day, but it would take a lot more work than just ripping the corresponding development tools out of scriptease. If you want to leverage that functionality in the meantime, I recommend copy and paste.