tpope / vim-rails

rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools
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Command for opening rails documentation for the current rails version #516

Open anhari opened 6 years ago

anhari commented 6 years ago

What do you think of adding a command to open the API documentation for the current Rails version?

Something like :Rapidocs that would navigate to with the current version appended as a path, i.e.

tpope commented 6 years ago

Ages ago this was a feature. See 06b055ef2f8d8c9e8189b26c3a9d6e5b63ed904d. I ended up removing it because just opening the root URL was absurdly low value. Version number ups that value a teensy bit, but not enough to justify editor integration imho. Now if we could search for the keyword under the cursor or something, I'd be on board. But RDoc doesn't seem particularly amenable to that sort of stuff.