tpope / vim-rails

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gf is not mapped for slim templates #524

Closed micke closed 6 years ago

micke commented 6 years ago

gf works in .erb files. :nmap gf in a .erb template gives n gf @<SNR>214_c:find <Plug><cfile><CR>

But it doesn't work in .slim files. :nmap gf in a slim template gives No mapping found

tpope commented 6 years ago

In order for this to work, the Slim ftplugin needs to load the Ruby ftplugin, as is done in eRuby and Haml.

micke commented 6 years ago

Thank you @tpope. I had a feeling it would be something as simple as this. But my vimscript-fu was not strong enough to figure it out. So thanks for the clear instructions! I will open a issue in the correct repo.