tpope / vim-rails

rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools
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UltiSnips support #531

Closed kleinjm closed 4 years ago

kleinjm commented 5 years ago

Would there be a way to include a skeleton key in the rails_projections so that the templates could be defined via ultisnips in rails.snippets? ie.

let g:rails_projections =  {
  \   "spec/*.rb": {
  \     "command": "spec",
  \     "skeleton": "spec"
  \   }
  \ }

Perhaps there is already a way to stitch these tools together but I couldn't figure it out from the documentation. Thanks in advance, Tim

srydell commented 4 years ago

You can do exactly that with vim-skeleton, which uses tpope's vim-projectionist and Ultisnips in the background. Hope that helps!

tpope commented 4 years ago

Sounds good to me!