tpope / vim-rails

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Error detected while processing function rails#buffer_setup #588

Closed staycreativedesign closed 2 years ago

staycreativedesign commented 2 years ago

not sure how to fix this one here , some guidance would be helpful

Error detected while processing function rails#buffer_setup[14]..<SNR>58_BufProjectionCommands[14]..<SNR>58_app_commands[2]..<SNR>58_app_projections[38]..rails#json_parse:
line    1:
E474: Trailing comma: },   "app/assets/javascripts/components/*.js.jsx": {     "command": "component",     "template": "",   },   "features/support/pages/sections/*_section.rb": {     "command": "section",     "template": "class %SSection < SitePrism::Section\nend",   },
  "app/forms/*_form.rb": {     "command": "form",     "template": "class %SForm\nend",   },   "app/decorators/*_decorator.rb": {     "command": "decorator",     "template": "class %SDecorator < ApplicationDecorator\nend",   },   "app/services/*.rb": {     "type": "service
",   },   "app/policies/*_policy.rb": {     "command": "policy",     "template": "class %SPolicy < ApplicationPolicy\nend"   } }
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing function rails#buffer_setup[14]..<SNR>58_BufProjectionCommands[14]..<SNR>58_app_commands[2]..<SNR>58_app_projections[38]..rails#json_parse:
line    1:
E474: Failed to parse {   "app/line5/*.rb": {      "type": "linefive"   },   "app/*.rb": {     "alternate": "spec/{}_spec.rb"   },   "spec/*_spec.rb": {     "alternate": "app/{}.rb"   },   "features/support/pages/*_page.rb": {     "command": "page",     "template": "class
 %SPage < SitePrism::Page\nend",   },   "app/assets/javascripts/components/*.js.jsx": {     "command": "component",     "template": "",   },   "features/support/pages/sections/*_section.rb": {     "command": "section",     "template": "class %SSection < SitePrism::Section
\nend",   },   "app/forms/*_form.rb": {     "command": "form",     "template": "class %SForm\nend",   },   "app/decorators/*_decorator.rb": {     "command": "decorator",     "template": "class %SDecorator < ApplicationDecorator\nend",   },   "app/services/*.rb": {     "ty
pe": "service",   },   "app/policies/*_policy.rb": {     "command": "policy",     "template": "class %SPolicy < ApplicationPolicy\nend"   } }
Error detected while processing function rails#buffer_setup[14]..<SNR>58_BufProjectionCommands:
line   14:
E170: Missing :endfor
tpope commented 2 years ago

Check your config/projections.json for a syntax error.